10 reasons why the pepper does not bud

  • Dec 24, 2019

In the process of cultivation, many gardeners sweet and hot peppers are faced with different challenges, and to identify the cause of the problem in the case of this culture is often difficult. We understand why the pepper does not bud.

Growing peppers. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license © ofazende.ru
Growing peppers. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license © ofazende.ru

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Main reasons

Pepper is one of fastidious cultures, so in order to grow a good crop, it is necessary to provide plants with the necessary care. But sometimes even the observance of the rules of this crop does not provide a long-awaited peppers. The reasons for this phenomenon may be several:

  • The excess nitrogen fertilizers. The lack of buds is often the result of an excess of nitrogen application. These include and manure, which pepper use is not recommended.
  • Adverse weather conditions. Blooming without ovaries - a symptom typical for growing peppers in adverse conditions. This occurs at elevated humidity levels fall outside temperature (below 11 ° C) or, on the contrary, too high temperature in the greenhouse.
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  • The lack of treatment. For the appearance of buds it is recommended to use drugs "Ovary" and "bud". The solutions are designed to spray the beds. We need to carry out processing in the morning.
  • Sudden temperature changes. Shedding of flowers and ovaries cause changes in temperature (hot days and cold snap at night).
  • Watering with cold water. The use of cold water for irrigation beds often becomes a cause of the fact that no buds. Experienced gardeners recommend to monitor the temperature of the water.
  • the roots drying out. Excess moisture is not needed, but also prevent the soil drying out and should not be. Lack of water leads to the death of flowers and ovaries.
  • The emergence of fruit rot. Fruit rot leads to shattering the fruit (the disease affects the insertion of them). To protect the treated leaves means "Uniflor-bud" (2 hours. spoon desyatilitrovoe bucket of water) and "Zircon".
  • "Starvation". Pepper is considered to be thermophilic culture, so when the temperature for a long time, the work of the root system may stop. The result - the lack of nutrition in plants.
  • Vertex fruit rot. Education on the tops of peppers rot indicates a lack of calcium, potassium and water. Help prevent the further spread of feeding the calcium and potassium, as well as watering.
  • Rainy weather. When growing peppers in a greenhouse rainy weather prevents proper ventilation. Lack of air may become an obstacle to fruit set.
Pepper buds. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license © ofazende.ru
Pepper buds. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license © ofazende.ru

The secrets of growing a good crop

As long experience shows, a vegetable grows better indoors. Special attention should be paid to the preparation of the soil and farming practices comply with the rules. In this case, the problems that arise in the process of cultivation of a culture, can be prevented by observing simple recommendations. If they have any, you need to take immediate measures to restore the plant.

Vintage pepper. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license © ofazende.ru
Vintage pepper. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license © ofazende.ru
Thus, to abandon the cultivation of pepper due to the complexity of this process is not necessary: ​​the main condition - is the observance of the basic requirements and the elimination of risk factors. Vegetable paying a sufficient amount of time, you can get a great harvest

original article and many other materials can be found on our website.

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Read more:Second Wind pepper