Iodine is a real find for tomato seedlings. How to apply and what result to expect

  • Dec 15, 2020

In this article, I want to talk about a simple but very useful top dressing that you can make yourself in a matter of minutes. The role of the main active ingredient in it is played by iodine, a solution of which can be purchased at any pharmacy. In order to immediately answer all the questions, I have divided the material into small paragraphs according to the meaning.

Why do tomato seedlings need iodine

It's no secret that iodine plays an important role in the life of plants. And tomato seedlings in this case are no exception. Here are just a few of the beneficial properties of this chemical element.

  1. Iodine helps assimilate nitrogen, which the plant receives from the soil. This property is especially important for seedlings. After all, it is this chemical element that directly affects the growth and development of the entire culture.
  2. Iodine is directly involved in the synthesis of amino acids and proteins. Full fruiting without this element is impossible;
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  4. Iodine is known as antiseptic, antibacterial, fungicidal
    and an antiviral agent. Top dressing based on it reduces the risk of infection of tomato seedlings with fungal and viral diseases.

Is iodine dangerous for tomato seedlings

In large quantities, iodine is dangerous for both plants and humans. The concentrated substance can cause burns and severe irritation. However, a weak aqueous solution is used in top dressing, which is harmless even for young seedlings. If you follow safety precautions and adhere to the recommended dosages, you can not worry about cultures.

You need to work with iodine in sealed gloves and goggles. It is advisable to carry out all procedures away from plantings. Do not forget that the substance is poorly washed from clothes and is difficult to wash off your hands.

Iodine feeding recipe

Top dressing is based on ash infusion. For its preparation, 100 grams of wood ash must be poured with boiling water and left to cool for 7 minutes in a cool place. The resulting infusion must be poured into a 10-liter bucket of water, then add 10 drops of iodine there. The solution should be mixed well. Top dressing is ready.

The temperature of the liquid should be such that it is comfortable to hold your hand in it. The amount of feeding depends on the size and age of the seedlings and varies from 250 to 500 ml. per plant.

What result to expect

If we talk about the actual benefits that can be seen, then it is as follows. The seedlings will be easier to tolerate the pick and take root better after planting in the ground. Tomatoes will be more active in forming green mass while maintaining normal growth rates. The number of viral and fungal infections will decrease.

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