Superurozhay pepper - 9 "working" tips

  • Dec 24, 2019
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To get a good crop of peppers, not necessarily use a variety of chemical fertilizers in large quantities. It is only necessary to follow the recommendations of experienced gardeners, assuming proper care of a vegetable throughout the period of its growth.

Growing peppers. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©
Growing peppers. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©

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9 Tips for growing pepper

There are time-tested tips that will grow a good crop of peppers. They are as follows:

  • Time sow seeds. We should not be engaged in the preparation of seedlings in February, as recommended by some sources. Early plants will vary feebleness, faster aging. The most suitable time for sowing, - 2nd half of March.
  • Properly germinate seed. To accelerate the appearance of the shoots as follows. Take 2 cotton pads between which placed the seeds. Discs are left in a warm place and drying with the spray moistened with water with the addition of a growth stimulant. Due to the shoots will appear faster, in 3-4 days, and actively go to growth.
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  • Planted in separate containers. Pepper grows poorly in close quarters, it is not recommended to plant it in a public box. Suitable for seedlings peat tablets or separate packaging, which volume is 500 ml. The container 1 is placed is not more than 2 seeds. It should also be remembered that the walls of the container should be opaque, because excess light unfavorable to the roots.
Planting pepper seedlings. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©
Planting pepper seedlings. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©
  • Save when sowing the desired depth. Seeds are planted deep, will not develop as desired. Seedlings must be almost on the surface, to be slightly covered with earth. The maximum depth to which you can sow the seed - 2 mm.
  • Make timely watering. It is impossible that the soil in containers dry out. Even if 1 time prevent it from drying out, in which the leaves of young pepper fade, will not have to rely on a good harvest. Soil moisture should be checked daily.
  • Choosing the right place. Pepper prefers neutral soils, the plants need light and heat, and the site should not be in a draft. If the land to the chosen location is not very fertile, should prepare compost and use it on landing every bush.
  • Observe temperature. Pepper is thermophilic plant, however the temperature should not be below + 25 °... + 26 ° C. Especially important is the figure for roots. Gardeners are advised to cultivate this culture in greenhouses or use warm beds. We can not allow a sharp temperature drop. To this end, resorted to a ruse: the beds set plastic water bottles or stones that absorb heat during the day and at night give it the roots of plants.
Fertilizing seedlings of pepper. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©
Fertilizing seedlings of pepper. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©
  • Exercise proper care. Grown bushes should also be sufficiently moistened. To do this, make the mulch. Spend it on a permanent place, using as mulch collected weeds. Of these, a layer made of 18-20 cm. Mulch needs to be updated: change it should be 1 every 3-4 weeks. Should be subject to regular feeding, e.g., ash, herbal infusion or manure.
  • To form strong bushes. Only low grades are not subjected formirovke for high - need to monitor and cut off the excess shoots on time. When the seedlings will be planted, it is necessary to remove the flowers from her, to all the power plants were on the development of green mass. On each bush should appear threads 3-4, which is carried out after 5 pinched in the sheet. Number of ovaries regulates itself gardener.
Get superurozhay pepper can be in the event that good care for the plant.

original article and many other materials can be found on our website.

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