In what conditions should spathiphyllum grow in order to delight with beautiful and long flowering

  • Dec 15, 2020

In nature, spathiphyllum can be found in the rainforests of Brazil, Colombia and Venezuela. Its dark green glossy leaves and graceful flowers attract many growers. However, in order to enjoy them to the fullest, it is necessary for the plant to create favorable growth conditions. To do this within an ordinary apartment is not as easy as it might seem at first glance. The tropical flower is quite demanding and poorly adapted to cool climates. However, if desired, this is quite possible. The main thing is to comply with four basic requirements.

1. Temperature

First of all, it is important to observe the temperature regime natural for spathiphyllum. In summer, the air temperature should be in the range from 19 to 24 ° C, and in winter from 16 to 19 ° C. If the room gets colder, the flower will slow down growth and development. It is no longer necessary to talk about a beautiful and abundant flowering.

During periods of extreme cold snaps, electric heaters can be used in tandem with humidifiers to maintain the temperature.

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2. Illumination

Spathiphyllum should be grown on the sunny side in a little shade. For abundant flowering, the plant needs a lot of light, so the shadow should be negligible. A transparent tulle or thin tree crowns outside the window can become protection from scorching rays.

If the spathiphyllum does not receive the proper amount of light, flowering may not occur at all.

3. Watering

Spathiphyllum needs regular watering with well-settled water. Before the procedure, the liquid must stand for at least a day.

In the spring and summer, it is necessary to water the flower every two days after the top layer of the soil has dried. In the autumn-winter period, watering should be slightly reduced. Deep drying of the substrate in the pot is unacceptable.

It must be understood that spathiphyllum belongs to tropical plants, therefore, for normal life, it needs a large amount of moisture. The flower cannot be left unattended for a long time.

4. Moisturizing

In addition to watering, spathiphyllum requires regular moisture. For this purpose, it is sprayed with warm water from a hand sprayer. During the procedure, you need to beware of moisture getting on the buds.

If possible, a humidifier can be placed near the plant. With the advent of the device, the flower will revive and feel better.

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