How often to water cucumbers in July so that they do not taste bitter, are tasty and juicy

  • Dec 15, 2020

Cucumbers are more than 95% water. This is one of the most watery crops that requires regular, competent watering. If there is too little liquid, the fruits will begin to taste bitter. The reason for this is cucurbitacin - a substance that is intensively produced with a lack of moisture and a number of other stressful situations. It is he who gives an unpleasant aftertaste that most gardeners do not like so much.

To avoid bitterness, you can pre-select varieties that are genetically free from cucurbitacin. However, in this case, in order to obtain a high-quality crop, cucumbers must be properly watered.

How to properly water cucumbers

Cucumber is an overseas plant. Under natural conditions, it grows in tropical and subtropical regions of India, where it gets liquid from abundant warm rains. The water temperature for irrigation of this crop should be in the range from 24 to 28 ° C.

It is best to water cucumbers in the morning, so that the water that has fallen on the leaves has time to evaporate before the scorching sun's rays appear, and the air remains moist throughout the first half of the day.

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The soil under the crop is moistened within a radius of 15 cm. to a depth of about 20 cm. In this case, the root collar should remain dry or slightly moistened. Otherwise, the root will gradually rot.

It is best to pour water under the plant through a strainer or a weak stream. A strong flow will erode and injure the root system, part of which is close enough to the soil surface.

Features of watering for the greenhouse

If cucumbers grow in a greenhouse, the room should be ventilated after watering.

To maintain additional moisture, bowls or buckets of water can be placed next to the crops. The more surface there is to evaporate, the higher the humidity will rise during the day.

How often to water cucumbers

In hot weather, before flowering, cucumbers should be watered once a day at the rate of 0.8 liters per plant.

After the appearance of the ovaries, as well as during active fruiting, the cucumbers should be watered once every 2-3 days. The liquid consumption will be up to 2 liters per plant. This period just falls in July - a hot and often dry month.

Beginning in mid-August, watering should be reduced to twice a week. In this case, the liquid consumption will be 0.6 liters per plant.

Reduce watering in cool, cloudy weather. During this period, the root system does not absorb moisture well and begins to gradually rot from its excess.

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