Kerosene is an excellent remedy for moles in the garden. How to apply and what result to expect

  • Dec 15, 2020
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It is unlikely that anyone can be pleased with the fact that moles appear on the site. These small mammals are capable of causing significant harm to both the garden and the vegetable garden. Contrary to popular belief, moles not only leave mounds that spoil the appearance of the lawn.

  • Mole tunnels are actively used by small rodents. A complex system of moves is a shelter for them;
  • Moles actively eat earthworms, which are so important and needed by every garden;
  • During the construction of tunnels, moles mix the low-lying and surface soil. This reduces the fertility of the layer in which crops grow;
  • Moles damage the roots of cultivated plants that are encountered on their way;
  • Mole mounds spoil the look of flower beds, alpine slides and garden paths.

Despite its awkward appearance, a mole can dig up to 50 meters of an underground passage in one night. In terms of the amount of damage caused, this pest can be put on a par with the bear, aphids and the Colorado potato beetle.

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Ways to deal with moles

There are many popular ways to deal with moles. They can be divided into two main groups: experimental and proven. The former often appear, but in most cases they are not very effective. The latter do help, but they have a number of serious drawbacks. Let's look at some of them.

Making wind turbines

One of the most effective folk methods is the installation of wind turbines. Simple devices create vibration and noise that scare away moles. The disadvantage of this method is the small radius of action of one product. To protect a six-hectare plot, you will have to buy or make several dozen wind turbines.

Creating traps

Another effective method of dealing with moles is to create traps from glass jars and plastic bottles. The devices are dug into the ground right in the path of the pest. After the animal is trapped, it is carried far outside the garden. The disadvantage is the complexity of the implementation. To catch a couple of three pests, banks will have to force half of the garden.

Sharing cats

To get rid of moles, you can get a cat. The domestic animal is really capable of scaring off pests. True, in this case you take full responsibility for caring for the animals.

Removal with kerosene

One of the most effective ways to remove moles from the site is the method using kerosene. It is a trade-off between efficiency and labor.

You can buy an odorous liquid at any hardware store for relatively little money. The cost of one liter is within 100 rubles.

How to apply kerosene

The method is based on strong odorous vapors of kerosene. It is with their help that we will etch the animals out of the underground tunnels.

We need old cotton rags that absorb liquid well, scraps of film from a greenhouse, small boards, bricks and a basin.

Now we need to go to the molehill and clear the entrance to the underground tunnel. Next, put a piece of fabric in a basin and soak it well with kerosene. Immediately after that, plug the hole in the ground with a rag. You can use a stick to make it easier. Now we tightly cover the rag with a film and press it with a board with a weighting agent. Our task is to make sure that kerosene evaporates only into the underground part of the tunnel.

A similar procedure must be done with all the mounds in your area. To save kerosene, you need to soak the rags in a basin or bucket.

What result to expect

After all the exits from the underground tunnels are clogged with rags with kerosene, the system will fill with caustic, bad-smelling fumes. Residential and aft passages will become unsuitable for further use.

The mole may try to dig a new system of moves. In this case, the procedure will need to be repeated. After the second unsuccessful attempt, the animals will prefer to find another habitat.

Read also on my website -Get rid of moles with a homemade plastic bottle trap

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