How to grow grapes without too much hassle

  • Dec 24, 2019

To grow grapes without the hassle can anyone, even a novice gardener, because business is not as complicated as it seems at first glance. The main thing - to follow the recommendations, observing experienced winegrowers technology to receive annually a rich and quality crop.

Growing grapes. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©
Growing grapes. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©

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Inexperienced gardener easier to land a ready seedling as to cope with the cuttings it will be more difficult. It is necessary to take into account the climatic zone. If the terrain differs little snow harsh winters that culture is not destroyed by frost, it is better to plant in the trench or pit. If enough rain and cool summers and short, plants are placed in bulk ridges that allow plant roots to get more heat.

In the open field grapes are planted in autumn or spring. landing stage in the autumn months are as follows:

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  • First of all you must choose a flat sunny plot, protected from strong winds. Grapes do not like excessive moisture and places that should also be considered.
  • The roots of the seedlings for a while immersed in the mixture mullein and clay in a ratio of 1: 2, cut shoots and at 2 kidney dipped in melted paraffin apex.
  • Dig a hole, based on the size of the root system. For light sandy soil depth of about 0.5 m, clay - 0.2 m.
  • The primer are mixed mineral fertilizers (superphosphate, turf ground, ash, humus), placed on the bottom of the pit 10 cm layer of crushed stone.
  • For admission of water to the roots and gravel is placed on the fertilizing tube (can be plastic), next placed a sapling, whose roots gently straighten out, the pit is filled with earth, and formed a small hill.
  • The soil is compacted slightly, mulch with manure or compost, and watered with warm water.

Positioning plants should be in the direction from the south side to the north, leaving between seedlings is not less than 1.5 m.

Spring planting grape seedlings in pots with soil. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©
Spring planting grape seedlings in pots with soil. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©

Care of the vineyard, pruning

To form a vineyard trellis necessary. For bearings used metal or wooden poles. Between them tensioned several rows of wire, which is tied to the vines as they grow. In the first 3 years seedlings need to pay a lot of attention, avoiding drying out the soil and wilting leaves. For this you should promptly moisten the earth, and 2 days after watering or rain loosen the soil and remove weeds.

In the following years entrenched plants watered in the most important periods of development 3-4 times all season. Light sandy soil to moisturize more often. Regularly fertilized using dug drainage tube and treated leaf fungicides, intended to fight against diseases and pests. In order not to be late with the spraying and to prevent the destruction of plants, you should periodically inspect them.

Pruning grapes. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©
Pruning grapes. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©
As required nitrogen fertilization culture in which most need grapes after planting, when it is improved growth and development. In the next 2 years in the soil, except for ammonium sulfate, urea or ammonium nitrate, superphosphate or nitrophosphate making fermented with bird droppings or decomposed mullein.

Pruning is performed every autumn when shall fade foliage from trees. In the first year fruiting runners (2 to 6) are removed completely, and the threads are shortened substitution on 5-7 kidneys, anchoring them to the next spring trellis. Thus, every season they will be raised. 5-6 year bush is recommended to rejuvenate by escape from the base replacement buds fruit-bearing branches. Proper pruning ensures annual increase in weight of ripe grapes.

original article and many other materials can be found on our website.

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