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Considering military photos of recent years, you may notice that some of the soldiers, armed with the AKS-74, being in a hot spot, wrapped with the butt of the weapon medical tourniquet. It is obvious that in the hollow handle of the machine there is something else. In fact, everything is very simple, albeit not very clearly. Tell us about it in more detail.
The first cases of tourniquet wrapping butt were noted during the war in Afghanistan. Widespread this "ritual" was later, during the Chechen war after the Soviet collapse. The logic of those who do so is quite simple. Probability of fire or shrapnel in the hot spot is quite high. That's why every soldier equipment includes individual dressing package - bandages, two gauze pads, sterile package. Of course, there is in men and a tourniquet.
Here are some of the soldiers, and choose to wear the IPP in the butt of his rifle, the benefit it fits the AKC-74 like a glove. To be safe, a dressing packet fixed wiring. Thus, in the case of injured soldier will almost instant access to the medicine cabinet, which can be a decisive factor in saving his own life. However, in practice, things are not so simple and straightforward.
Combat experience of veterans can not be underestimated, but the "logistics" and thought out ergonomics of the equipment, taking into account all of the same combat experience. Old Army mandate states that "Everything must be *** schno and monotonous." As with all statutes, is an informal rule is also written in blood.
Wear PPIs in the butt, maybe, and convenient, but what if a fighter loses a weapon at the time of injury? Soldier can discard the blast, he can get a concussion, unconsciousness. Equipment at the fighters fit monotonous including to wounded comrades could quickly find a first aid kit and assist. Get a folded bundle of the special pocket in the discharge is much easier than trying to remove it with a rifle butt.
And that's not all. Needless to say, that under the influence of external factors, including weather, wound on the butt weapons harness very quickly loses its beneficial qualities. In addition, all this is corny and embarrassing. Butt with embedded IPP and coiled wiring can not be folded.
Returning to the Afghan war, it is worth noting that at that time there was such a fashion is not just. For the most part IPP so were those who did not have a normal, easy unloading of one reason or another. In addition, a rifle butt in the sun (frost) is strongly warmed (cooling), which made the use of weapons uncomfortable. Subsequently, the problem began to decide tape and parachute cord. Today, when plastic butts are widespread, and army soldiers have access to a comfortable outfit in such "Pontus" it makes no sense.
In continuation of the story threads that Why the knives tied mysterious "laces"And whether there is a sense in all of this.
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A source: https://novate.ru/blogs/311018/48255/