Over the year, I have accumulated many old water meters with expired verification date. I consider how much you can earn on their implementation

  • Dec 16, 2020

The last year of my work as a plumber was closely related to the replacement of old metering devices with new ones. Usually the inspector comes to people and informs them that they have expired the term for checking the meters or notify them with a paper receipt. After this news, the tenants are looking for the person who will replace them with metering devices, quickly, efficiently, without red tape, with registration. I am that plumber who performs such tasks.

I usually don't save up a lot of counters, for months. And I get rid of them once a quarter. But this time I decided to find out how many water meters will accumulate in a year. And the amount received from their delivery to a special receiver I will spend on the purchase of a "submarine".

In order not to litter the garage, I put boxes with counters in my cellar, this idea was not very good, it was hard to lower and raise them, although I used a hand-made homemade hoist block. The boxes were soaked, falling apart.

At that time, I still did not know how many water meters had accumulated in my bins.

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I decided to put all the counters in one pile for further processing (I'll tell you in the next. article). I didn't think the heap would be so huge. Please scroll through the gallery!

Many people have a question, in general, how could I accumulate so many water meters? I answer - after replacing the water meters, I ask a question to the landlord or hostess -"What are you going to do with old water meters? If you throw them away, I will take them "-. And here several answers arise:

1) "Take it" This is the answer for 10% of clients.

2) "I'll hand them over to the store myself" Knowledgeable people answer. 50% of clients.

3) "I need it myself", "I'll put it in my garden", "I'll keep it just in case" etc. etc. Usually I offer them to buy the meters from them at half price. 40% agree to mutually beneficial terms.

These calculations are approximate, but the alignment is something like this. For readers who will accuse me of cheating, I'll tell you right away. Half of the water meters from this heap were bought for my "real" money. I bought junk from them, took away their headaches and debris.

This heap contains only betar meters. Many of them were installed in those years. What's in my favor... They take them from me at 60 rubles apiece. This heap contains approximately 800 counters. What, with a simple calculation, gives 48,000 rubles. Norm is the amount, right? I plan to spend them on buying a boat motor and a boat. I dreamed for a long time and now I have saved up for my Wishlist.

But that's not all, I will disassemble third-party water meters for non-ferrous metal, and these are approximate, additionally two thousand rubles.

Now you know how some plumbers earn extra money on additional body movements - "If you want to live, be able to twirl."

I hope the article was interesting, like the plumbing.

From SW. Timofey Mikhailov.