An experienced electrician showed how to cut wires without special tools. Now I constantly follow his advice.

  • Dec 16, 2020

At least once in your life, you probably had to connect some kind of electrician, for example, when replacing or lengthening the lamp wire. This is a simple but challenging job. Are you doing everything right when you cut the wire for subsequent twisting? I was told about these methods by an old electrician with whom I had to be at the installation. Even though I worked as a plumber. Now I will tell you about two very important skills when installing and repairing an electrician without having an expensive special tool.

Removing the outer sheath of the wire

When installing electrical wires, it is very important to cut them correctly. Before us is a three-core wire, it must be stripped for subsequent connection.

Good if there is a special tool, then there will be no problem. And if you only have a knife... In this case, the outer insulation must be removed correctly. So as not to damage the inner layer. A sharp utility or clerical knife is suitable for proper cutting.

Blade it is necessary to push it into the runners so that the tip of the sting sticks out by 1-2 mm. Depending on the thickness of the outer insulation.

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Fix the blade is in this position and we begin to carry it along the outer sheath of the wire.

External the layer must be cut without damaging the inner wires. If you have not cut through to the end, then just pull on the shell. It can be easily removed.

If you only have an ordinary knife, then put your fingers to the tip, clamping its blade. Thus, the fingers will act as a limiter. It remains only to run this tip over the insulation. Second photo in the gallery.

Wire stripping

Frequent the mistake of home craftsmen is the incorrect removal of internal insulation. You cannot cut the casing in a circular motion and then pull it out.

IN the cut, the wire is damaged, which can lead to breakage of the wire in this place. And the wire cross-section is also reduced.

Only the correct option is to cut the braid with a lateral movement along the wire.

With the subsequent cutting off the rest.

This information was conveyed to me by an old installer when he worked for him for a long time on the help.

I hope I was able to convey useful information to you. Therefore, I will be happy to wait for a like from you! Thank you.