I poured glass on an old concrete floor, got rid of dust in the garage, show the process

  • Dec 16, 2020

Three years ago I bought a garage, it was a great joy for me. Made her a place of solitude and a workshop. The garage is solid, with concrete walls and a roof. The floor is also concrete, but it was so disgustingly made that it sometimes stumbled from the difference in height. Apparently it was poured in during the Soviet times, the solution was put together from any construction site, banged onto the ground and smeared as best as they could until the solution grabbed. But the saddest thing is that the cleaning in it is a whole tragedy. When sweeping, the top layer of concrete is peeled off and therefore the dust is never-ending.

Therefore, I made a decision, having looked at the options on the World Wide Web, cheaply and angrily to fill it with glass, liquid glass. Which can be purchased for a penny at a hardware store.

The first step was to remove all unnecessary things from the floor and sweep the dust as best he could. Of course, I need to vacuum it, but I didn't have it at that time. After cleaning old concrete in the form of dust, he began to smear the "glass" on the floor with an ordinary brush. So that he fills in all the bumps and cracks.

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The process is interesting but time consuming.

The floor immediately changed color, became wet concrete, covered with a sticky mass.

After finishing the work, I waited a week. During this time, the floor in the garage was completely dry and could be used.

The surface was dust-free, the small pits were filled with "glass". I was pleased with the result.

If you are wondering what happened to the floor two years later, I will tell you in a separate article. To do this, like it, I will see your interest and go to the garage specially for photos. Thank you!