I thought for a long time how the pre-war table was assembled without a single nail. The trick is revealed, showing the mix of the old masters

  • Dec 16, 2020

For the upcoming feast with the father-in-law, they pulled out the old table from the bath, it turned out to be quite heavy and massive. It became interesting what kind of furniture you will not find now. And this is what my wife's father told me:

They got this furniture together with the house. Acquired in the 80s. The former owner, an old man, said that the table was bought by his parents before the war. When moving, he really did not want to leave him, but there was not enough space for this masterpiece in the car that was transporting things. Therefore, he stayed with my father-in-law. The old man promised to come back for him, but the table was never taken ...

The father-in-law has gone on business. And I began to study very interesting antique furniture, not like modern ones, assembled from particle boards. I began to find out how such products were collected before, I began to look for in it nails or even screws. But my search failed.

It is curious how the boards are held together, because there were no glued parts in it. After twisting, turning the table, I began to look closely at the places where the boards joined.

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Here is a tapered connection at the base of the countertop.

The same cones in the shelf. Tin. This is how you need to be a specialist to make such grooves with a minimum of tools.

The worktop boards are also connected according to the same principle.

This furniture also has shelves in it, that's how functional it is. My father-in-law came up and told me that such tables, in those days, were very common. Having twisted it for photographing, the two of us did not understand how such massive table legs were connected to the base of the tabletop. And how they were made was obviously made with a machine.

Do you know? Enlighten us. I will fix the useful comment first. Waiting for you.