Why cut Zamioculcas and how to do it

  • Dec 24, 2019
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When choosing potted plants, many growers prefer the money tree. It is believed that it brings good luck and financial well-being. Before growing need to determine what crop Zamioculcas and how to do it.

A clipping operation is necessary in order to zamiokulks normally felt in the pot looked nice and bright. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license © ofazende.com
A clipping operation is necessary in order to zamiokulks normally felt in the pot looked nice and bright. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license © ofazende.com

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Why cropping

Zamioculcas means representatives tropical flora and constitutes an evergreen plant with dark green leaves. In the wild it grows in the territory of tropical jungles of Africa. Characterized by resistance to prolonged drought and unpretentious to the conditions of detention. To care for potted trees is easy, because all the action confined to the timely watering and pruning.

A clipping operation is necessary for the tree normally felt in the pot, it looked nice and bright.

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Despite the increased intensity of growth, Zamioculcas should be cut in order to form the crown. If you do not do this, the plant will feel the lack of lighting, and its leaves begin to turn yellow and fall off. no bare branches held regular pruning to obtain a thick wood.

It allows you to get the original form of the plant, or to perform the rejuvenation of old and stiff parts. In addition, cut flower for reproduction of copies or eliminate disease. Procedure are subject to all the elements of succulent, including:

  • The roots of the tuber.
  • Leaves with cuttings or individual lamina.

To prevent tissue damage, it is necessary to use a small, but sharp secateurs. Allowed to use a short knife. The sections were treated with a special solution and are dried to protect against the penetration of germs. As a healing agent can be used crushed coal.

Zamioculcas has good resistance to cutting, and its stems are quickly restored and healed. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license © ofazende.com
Zamioculcas has good resistance to cutting, and its stems are quickly restored and healed. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license © ofazende.com

cutting rules

In conducting cutting at the money tree is removed all the damaged or dry parts, thick stems or yellowing leaves. Shoots with an overly intense or slow growth is also cut off.

Before performing the steps necessary to handle the tool with alcohol. If the shoots are removed from the surface of the earth, should leave little hemp. You can not break out of because it may harm the roots.

Zamioculcas has good resistance to cutting, and its stems are quickly restored and healed.

By the procedure can begin in early spring or in the summer, at the stage of the growing season. You can not do it in the winter when the tree is dormant.

If pruning is performed for the reproduction of the flower by dividing the bush, it is necessary to adhere to such guidelines:

  • Primarily Zamioculcas withdrawn from the pot and removed from the root system of one or more rootlets. This method differs minimum risk of injury, so is in great demand.
  • Further planting material is moved to the substrate and begins to take root in the new location. If for a long time, the green sheet did not show up, it is possible, the root forms the kidneys, so there is no cause for concern.
During the multiplication of cuttings should prepare the wood segment with 4-5 leaves. After the procedure, the plant is treated with coal dust and cuttings dipped in a couple of hours in a moist substrate, in a warm and well-lighted place.

Zamioculcas enjoys great affection because of its unpretentiousness to the environment. However, like other tropical plants, it requires proper care. Therefore, the florist need to monitor the condition of the soil, preventing it waterlogged and time to carry out a clipping procedure to form a crown or rejuvenation.

original articleand many other materials can be found on ourwebsite.

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