I calculated how many liters of water the aerated concrete block "drinks". I take it out of the reservoir in a day. Interesting result

  • Dec 16, 2020
- Which end of the rope should be thrown to the drowning deputy?
- Both.
Anecdote from the site: https://www.anekdot.ru/

Hello dear readers of the channel and dear subscribers of the author's channel "Timofey Mikhailov".

Last time I tried to drown the aerated concrete block in water, thereby figuring out how high-quality my block is. But I didn't succeed. 30 kg of concrete, filled with gas, dangles in the water like a float.

  • As I promised in the last article, I decided to find out how much water he would drink per day. As a result, the day passed. First, I weighed the dry block on a conventional scale.
  • Its mass was lower than the declared one by three kg. Apparently at the exit from the plant, it weighs 30 kg 400 grams due to water saturation. And then it dries up. And now its weight is 27 kg. You can see this moment in the video on the channel "Timofey Mikhailov"

But what about the block that dangles on the waves like a boat?

  • What is its mass after a day? To find out this moment, the scales were installed on the walkways. And he began to pull gas-filled concrete out of the water. Nothing, I thought to myself. The block is clearly heavier.
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  • Placing it on the scales, it immediately became clear that the block "replenished" by as much as five kg.

It turns out that this building material drank five liters of water per day. I don't know if this is a lot or a little. And what do you think?

Leave the unit dangling further in the water? Thus, find out how much he will swim. And then I'll put it out in the cold. In a month, thus we will see whether it crumbles or not. Let me know under the article if you would like to see it. Subscribe so as not to miss.