"Oh, lukewarm went." Or why there is hot water in the pipes, not cooling down. And who heats her constantly. Educational program for "dummies"

  • Dec 16, 2020
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Hello dear friend, I am glad to see you in the daily Internet magazine - "Timofey Mikhailov" Here I write only my texts, I tell my experience when working as a plumber.

Now we will consider a simple question, but at the same time it is not clear to many: Why does hot liquid constantly flow in the hot water pipes? Who is heating it? And what is the circulation that plumbers are constantly looking for.

"Oh, lukewarm went." Or why there is hot water in the pipes, not cooling down. And who heats her constantly. Educational program for "dummies"

To prepare hot water for brewing tea. You go to the kettle. Pour water, turn it on, wait 3-5 minutes. And only after that you have freshly prepared boiling water.

But have any of you thought about it? Why, having opened a tap with hot water, heated water immediately runs from there? Who turns on the "kettle" and heats the water for us? I'll tell you about this now.

To our the houses have pipes, often 4 of them go into the trench. Two for warming up our houses in the cold season (heating) And two pipes for supplying our apartments with hot water to wash and wash the dishes.

When pipes were being laid in our yard, a neighbor asked me, knowing that I was a plumber. “Why are they putting so many pipes in a trench? I don’t understand how much money is buried under the ground. " In the same place, I explained to her why this is done.

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Below you can see a typical arrangement of plumbing pipes and water consumption points. Hot water is indicated in red. Blue is cold.

With the cold, everything is clear. She comes to our apartment "cold". But why doesn't the hot one get cold? And who is heating it?

The water is heated for us in a thermal power station, located behind often somewhere outside the city. This boiler room has huge boilers operating under high pressure. They can often be recognized by their tall, smoking chimneys. They heat water through pipes of large diameters (they are often seen in the city), distribute this water to heat points, stand-alone buildings with pipes in city yards.

Having come a long way, water comes to our houses heated to a temperature of 60-70 degrees Celsius. Passing through the common house heat meter.

It starts moving along a horizontal pipe, along the entire basement, along the so-called "Lounger " .

From this pipe, a vertical pipe rises. Her name "Riser". The hot water has two pipes. One by one, hot water rises on all floors, its name is "innings". The tenants take hot water from it.

The water that was not taken by the tenants, cooled down a little in "heated towel rails " returns back to the basement through a pipe called "return" and further along the stove bench and through the main pipes it returns to the CHP.

Lukewarm went!

If suddenly, for any reason, the circulation is disturbed, that is, the return of cooled water back to the main. Then there is such a situation as in the joke:

Residents of high-rise buildings know: whoever gets up early pumps hot water at their own expense.
Anecdote from the site: www.anekdot.ru

There are other schemes for preparing hot water, but the basic and more understandable one that exists is described in this article. I hope I managed to enlighten you in a popular language in this matter. And the world has become a little clearer.

Here link on my author's channel, most likely useful information awaits you there: From SW. Timofey Mikhailov.