At the dacha, he got rid of a homemade Soviet heating system. Worked without pump and water. Show the creativity of the welder

  • Dec 16, 2020

Hello dear friend. I recently bought a garden plot by the water. The idiot's dream came true. But in addition, I got a cluttered garden house with an interesting heating system.

The probability that it was working is minimal. So I decided to take it apart. I thought about shredding it with a grinder, but after looking closely I found out that it consists of two sections.

The main section was with a central container, and the second was screwed with American nuts. This was done in order to be conveniently transported and easily moved to the installation site.

At the top, a plug with a copper pipe was screwed on to the street, I thought it was a sinful thing to be a thermostat. But it turned out that it was a gas discharge pipe.

There was a drain pipe at the bottom, but somehow he did not want to unscrew. But it's not for nothing that I carry the proud name of a plumber. A couple of strong words helped me overcome this thread.

Instead of the expected any antifreeze, oil flowed with a specific odor. I guess what kind of oil. Do you know? What they could pour. I am waiting for answers in the comments.

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Hint, next to the cottage is the power plant.

The remaining oil was drained through the joint nuts of this design. In total, about 30 liters of this liquid were accumulated. This system was not complete, apparently part of the oil leaked from overheating through the tube and onto the floor. This can be seen from the characteristic dark spots on this structure.

Having pretty much strained himself, he dragged the system out into the street and looked into the back of the system. Where the heating element was located.

As you can see from the photo, the heat was generated by an electric ten connected with a copper wire.

I have a question, was the game really worth the candle? It was not easier to use some kind of heater. And warm the air with them ...

And what should I do now? Where to put this system, cut into metal or sell. What do you think? And the oil must be disposed of ...