The wife was satisfied, from a simple homemade product from a plastic bottle to save water and disinfect the toilet

  • Dec 16, 2020

Fulfilling an application to replace the meters in the apartment, the owner of which was a middle-aged woman, I noticed an unusual detail in her toilet.

-"Why are you inserting a bottle in this place, I asked the client" - Pointing at a toilet cistern without a lid.

- "Can you guess"- The woman told me.

- "I wonder how it works ..." - I looked at the contents of the tank with curiosity.

- "Do not hesitate, pull out the bottle, carefully and look"- I took it out, saw and understood the principle of work.

Such a dialogue took place five years ago. And I decided to repeat the homemade product now. In order to make this mechanism, we need:

  • Plastic bottle
  • Weighting agent
  • Liquid soap, unnecessary detergents (smelly) or whiteness.

Putting together a simple mechanism

Open the toilet tank by unscrewing the button counterclockwise.

We put a weighting agent in a suitable plastic bottle, it can be stones, sand or pieces of metal. This is done so that the bottle does not float. I put powerful neodymium magnets inside that will stick to the iron bolts of the toilet bowl.

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I add a baby conditioner to the bottle, with a strong odor that didn't suit us. It's a pity to throw it away and it's impossible to use it for its intended purpose. You can use diluted remnants, cheap household soap, or disinfectants such as whiteness.

The next step is to make small holes in the bottle cap and bottom, above the ballast weight. The larger the holes, the faster the detergent will come out, depending on its consistency. Therefore, start with a hole in the thickness of the needle. Especially in the lid.

We close the lid and place our bottle inside the toilet cistern. We drain the water. If a lot of detergent comes out. Then you overdid it with the size of the hole. It is necessary to close the previous one, and make a smaller one nearby.

How it works?

A bottle with a detergent and open "holes" is at rest in a full tank. As soon as the water is drained from the hole, the agent begins to come out, under its own mass of the liquid column, until the tank is full and equalizes the pressure inside the bottle through the hole.

Also, the volume of the bottle reduces the volume of the tank in my case by one liter, which leads to water savings.

Here is such a cunning and at the same time simple automatic homemade product that protects the toilet bowl from germs. Even my wife praised me for this know-hao simplifying life when cleaning a dignity. node.

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From SW. Timofey Mikhailov.