A simple and fairly reliable washstand from a bottle and a syringe, for a summer cottage or a construction site. To celebrate, I installed myself three pieces

  • Dec 16, 2020

Hello dear friend, recently I saw an interesting design of a washstand from a neighbor on the site. The design is so simple that even a teenager can handle it. Moreover, you do not need to buy anything. You can always find an old syringe, and even more so a plastic can.

In order to make a drain valve. You need to make a hole. To do this, find out the diameter of the syringe and make a hole for this size with a drill. I have a syringe just over 10 mm in size. To measure the diameter, it is not necessary to use a caliper, you can use a simple ruler.

We drill a cover for this size.

Here's a hole.

Next, cut off the tip of the syringe with a sharp knife.

We perform the procedure carefully. In order not to harm yourself.

This semi-syringe must be inserted into the cap.

The joint can be glued and sealed. In my case, this is not necessary.

We cut out the bottom in the bottle to fill in the water. And we insert the cap into the bottle.

We fill our container with water, hang it somewhere with self-tapping screws and use a free washstand. To celebrate, I hung three simple water jerseys all over the site.

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