10 rarities from the era of the USSR, that the youth of today seem strange

  • Dec 24, 2019

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The Soviet Union - an epoch in the history of XX century. During its existence of several generations of people. Many of the things that they have done in the land of the Soviets, today may seem very strange. The representatives of the younger generation may not immediately understand that what was intended or that thing.

1. mechanical mixer

Hand mixer.
Hand mixer.

Mechanical mixer - something quite common in the USSR. To this something whip, ought thoroughly to work by hand. This is not the modern equipment! Current housewives can only be glad that those days are somewhere far behind.

2. metal string bag

Severe string bag for trips to the store.
Severe string bag for trips to the store.

When you look out of your comfortable postmodernism at things from the XX century, I would like to ask - why are they all so severe as sickle blow? Perhaps the one who came up with a string bag of metal mesh, life was really difficult. However, experts say that such a contraption was very convenient to go fishing and to put it in the catch.

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3. batteries

Made in USSR.
Made in USSR.

Though these gizmos and look like Christmas crackers, in fact it is trivial batteries. Almost everyone uses the same man at home today. Like today, they cost quite a bit.

4. Corkscrew

Just a tailspin.
Just a tailspin.

This is not some kind of toy, "cannon" for children to a set of tin soldiers. In fact, this is an ordinary corkscrew. This is in every house. Well, or at any rate - almost as.

5. Bicycle bell

Do clink-clank while driving.
Do clink-clank while driving.

Thing is usually placed on the handlebar of a bicycle in order to help others to draw attention to the cyclist at the right moment. With the help of the signal can greet and still communicate in Morse code!

6. Whisk for whipping

For whipping.
For whipping.

This mysterious "high-tech" device need not to search for alpha-gamma-ray full spectrum. In fact, it's just a whisk for whipping. Once this has been in almost every home.

7. Cycle counter

To know how many passed.
To know how many passed.

Always good to know how much you are riding a bike, especially if you try to monitor the health and figure. And just wondering pinpoint mileage between familiar objects.

8. Form for cooking

The high-tech device for making cookies.
The high-tech device for making cookies.

Looks like a frying pan? Because it is really specific "pan". Strictly speaking, it is baking delicious cookies. In the USSR, for housewives do a great variety of forms. It was even a form of toast.

9. Magnifier for reading

And can be used with your smartphone.
And can be used with your smartphone.

Vision - the sort of thing that eventually begins to fail. Aid in question may be glasses, as well as increasing the magnifying glass to read. These are the small magnifying glass for examining the small things done in the Soviet Union.

10. Syringe cream "Camomile"

Syringe cream.
Syringe cream.

This is not medical equipment and tools for the investigation of the basements of the KGB. This is a syringe cream. This Statement wanted to get into the kitchen, many Soviet housewife.

I want more interesting things about the Soviet Union? How about to learn more about 5 car gadgets that would have all the Soviet drivers in his car.

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