Don't rush to throw away the cake box, it can make a great garden item

  • Dec 17, 2020

Hello dear readers and guests of the channel!

Now is the time to start making garden and country crafts. And today I will share with you how I made a cute and useful craft for my garden last year using a cake box.

What I needed is this:

· Cake box;

· Sand, cement;

· Cling film;

· Plastic bucket;

· Sandpaper;

Spray paint,

· Acrylic paint;

· Universal varnish in a spray can.

We usually buy paints and varnish in cans in hardware stores, we take the cheapest (or almost the cheapest) one. It costs from 100 r per can. Enough for a long time, well, depending on what to paint.
The cement was M400 grade, and the sand was ordinary, quarry.

Step 1.

I mixed a mixture of sand and cement in a proportion of 2 parts of sand and 1 part of cement. The solution was made liquidish so that it poured.

Step 2.

A suitable size plastic bucket wrapped with cling film.

Step 3.

The solution was poured into a cake box, about half and immersed in a bucket, so that a layer of solution of about 2 cm remained at the bottom. I poured water into the bucket so that it would not float up and left for 15-20 hours.

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Step 4.

After a while, he took out the bucket and, while the solution was still soft, made holes for draining the water.

Left to dry for another 48 hours.

Step 5.

I cut open the box and took out the product.

I finished the edge with coarse sandpaper.

Step 6.

I painted the flowerpot from the spray can green.

When the paint was dry I added some acrylic pearlescent paint.

In general, you can paint as you like.

Step 7.

At the end I covered it with universal varnish for 2 times.

Here's a flowerpot-flower pot turned out.

See what other flowerpots we made:

Unusual flowerpots made of sand and cement

Hand-flowerpot for garden and cottage

2 experimental flowerpots

Friends, thank you very much for reading this article!