IP 46S kitchen design (36 photos): DIY video instruction, price, photo

  • Dec 19, 2020
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  • 1 Redevelopment of one-room apartments
  • 2 Redevelopment of a two-room apartment
  • 3 The most popular kitchen designs this year
    • 3.1 Japanese-style wise, calm contemplation
    • 3.2 Contemporary interiors
    • 3.3 Universal "country"
  • 4 Conclusion

The layout of apartments in houses of the IP-46S series, which began to be built in 2001 and are being built in many cities to this day, is convenient and relatively modern. But there are some drawbacks that you should pay attention to when considering the design and furnishing of the premises. For example, the IP 46-S kitchen, of course, has a large area compared to the "Czech", but the location of the balcony door is not well thought out.

Let's consider in more detail how you can design and furnish a kitchen room in houses of this series. Kitchen design options can be viewed in the video and photo materials posted on our website. This will help determine the style of kitchen design.

Ethnic motives are at their peak this year

Ethnic motives are at their peak this year

French style in interior decor

French style in interior decor

A big disadvantage of apartments in this series of houses is the presence of a dark storage room, which many homeowners want to turn into useful living space. After all, you see, the pantry can be made on the mezzanine under the ceiling. And useful extra meters will never hurt.

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Cozy dining area on the loggia

Cozy dining area on the loggia

Unfortunately, the instructions for redeveloping buildings and structures provide very few opportunities for redeveloping housing. Therefore, it is quite difficult to carve out a few extra meters. But if you wish, almost anything is possible. In addition, if the apartment is not planned to be sold, then it is not necessary to take permission from the BTI.

Important. When redeveloping an apartment and demolishing partitions between rooms with your own hands, be sure to install supporting columns or arches.
This is necessary for the correct distribution of the floor load on the bearing walls of the building.

Redevelopment of one-room apartments

Redevelopment of a one-room apartment, which does not require permits

Redevelopment of a one-room apartment, which does not require permits

Most often, it is in one-room apartments of houses of this standard series that they resort to redevelopment and an increase in the area of ​​\ u200b \ u200bthe kitchen.

What is the price of the issue, as well as what options for increasing the kitchen area do designers offer:

  • Warming the loggia and increasing the usable area by organizing the dining area on additional square meters of the balcony.
    This is the most inexpensive option for redeveloping and increasing the kitchen area to twelve square meters, which can be done by hand;
  • Combining a room and a kitchen by demolishing a partition or installing a system of graceful arches. Easier to say, arrangement of the "studio" apartment, which is popular today in Europe;
Studio apartment in French style of past eras

Studio apartment in French style of past eras

  • The IP 46S kitchen has a footage of eight and a half squares, and the door to the loggia is located in such a way that practically nothing can be installed behind it - it turns out an empty "blind" zone for design and furnishings.
    The best option is to rearrange the balcony doors so that they open outward. This is possible when installing plastic bags on the loggia and balcony.

Important. When starting to dismantle walls in an apartment, you must obtain permission from the design organization, as required by the instructions.

Redevelopment of a two-room apartment

Layout of a two-room apartment in a house of the IP-46S series with all dimensions

Layout of a two-room apartment in a house of the IP-46S series with all dimensions

Since the area of ​​the kitchen is almost twelve square meters, there is no particular need to increase it. But again the question arises of how to use the narrow space behind the balcony door. The P 46-C kitchen in a kopeck piece can also be re-planned by combining the loggia and the kitchen area.

The design options for such redevelopment can be extremely diverse:

  • Roman style interior involves the placement of narrow graceful columns or arches between the dining and working areas, decorated with picturesque pots with decorative plants;
An example of striking design in modern and classic styles

An example of striking design in modern and classic styles

  • Since such a redevelopment and insulation of the balcony can be done with your own hands, a spectacular arch, illuminated in a modern high-tech style, will perfectly complement the decor modern kitchens;
  • Also, the combination of the kitchen and the loggia will allow you to place the corner kitchen set in the most rational way and free up space for a comfortable dining area in a classic style.

Council. It is not advisable to combine a kitchen area with a living area in a two-room apartment, since the kitchen area is quite large.

The most popular kitchen designs this year

Modern minimalism

Modern minimalism

In modern interior design of kitchens more and more the trend of minimalism and functionality of the interior is visible. The fast pace of life dictates changes in the design of housing.

Lush ostentatious luxury is receding into the past, giving way to thoughtfulness and expediency. As you can see in the photo, the interiors are radically transformed, and science fiction is gradually becoming a reality.

Japanese-style wise, calm contemplation

Original interior in Japanese style

Original interior in Japanese style

Design in the spirit of the Land of the Rising Sun is characterized by the use of natural finishing materials in the interior decor and the use of a calm harmonious color palette. The kitchen of IP - 46C both in a one-room and in a two-room apartment, decorated in an oriental style, is spacious and refined.

Particular attention should be paid to the design of the ceiling and partitions between the working and dining areas. Wooden inlays on the ceiling, matching in color and texture with partitions, look spectacular and stylish. In addition, a traditional Japanese ikebana or bonsai tree can be placed on such a shelf.

Harmonious combination of ceiling and entrance door finishes

Harmonious combination of ceiling and entrance door finishes

Important. Interior furniture in Japanese style is characterized by laconic geometry. One bright color accent is allowed in the decor, as seen in the photo.

Contemporary interiors

Functional and stylish interior in the spirit of new wave with high-tech elements

Functional and stylish interior in the spirit of new wave with high-tech elements

Modern styles of interior decor make it possible to show imagination in design, besides, many decor elements can be done by hand. Our site contains interesting video materials on progressive interior design that will help you choose the right direction in decor.

Unexpected geometry of interior items

Unexpected geometry of interior items

The modern style assumes a spectacular unusual lighting of functional areas and the use of metal inlays in the decor. For example, "new wave" can combine several modern trends - curved unexpected lines of furniture are harmoniously combined with chrome lamps and bright lighting, as seen in the photo.

Universal "country"

Home comfort and warmth of country-style colors

Home comfort and warmth of country-style colors

The most democratic style of the interior, which you can create with your own hands without much financial costs. Bright textiles and wicker furniture in the dining area create a cozy and warm home.

Accessories country style for the kitchen, emphasizing the originality and originality of the interior, you can choose endlessly. Only the imagination of the hostess can limit their choice.


An unexpected and functional option for a modern interior

An unexpected and functional option for a modern interior

It is safe to say that the P 46-C kitchen does not differ in design from other apartment layouts. Except that the redevelopment will be a little easier, thanks to the presence of a loggia and a large hallway area.


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