National Styles

Chalet style kitchen (45 photos) - original and exquisite

Chalet style kitchen (45 photos) - original and exquisite

Content1 Chalet style features1.1 Walls, floor and ceiling1.2 Furniture and other accessories1.3 ...

Kitchen in the English style (36 photos)

Kitchen in the English style (36 photos)

Content1 Style features2 Interior design2.1 How to plan2.2 Kitchen furniture2.3 Appliances2.4 Fin...

Mediterranean-style kitchen (51 photos): how to create it yourself, instructions, photo and video tutorials

Mediterranean-style kitchen (51 photos): how to create it yourself, instructions, photo and video tutorials

Content1 Features of the Mediterranean style by region1.1 Greek palette1.2 African palette1.3 Ita...

Oriental style kitchen (51 photos) - the main components and varieties

Oriental style kitchen (51 photos) - the main components and varieties

Content1 Basic concepts of oriental style1.1 Furniture1.2 Ceiling1.3 Floor1.4 Textile2 Varieties ...

Italian cuisine - classics (38 photos) in good old traditions

Italian cuisine - classics (38 photos) in good old traditions

Content1 Style selection1.1 Modernity or classic style1.2 In the best traditions1.3 Renaissance l...

Japanese-style kitchen (44 photos) - balance and harmony

Japanese-style kitchen (44 photos) - balance and harmony

Content1 Color palette2 Materials used for walls, ceilings and floors2.1 Ceiling decoration2.2 Ma...

Spanish-style kitchen (42 photos): how to create it yourself, instructions, photo and video tutorials

Spanish-style kitchen (42 photos): how to create it yourself, instructions, photo and video tutorials

Content1 A solid approach1.1 Forms and materials1.2 Situation2 Decorating techniques3 OutcomeWhen...

American style kitchen (45 photos)

American style kitchen (45 photos)

Content1 Characteristics of the American style1.1 Features of eclecticism1.2 Features of the layo...