Kitchen sinks made of porcelain stoneware (41 photos): DIY installation instructions, price, video, photo

  • Dec 19, 2020

Ceramic granite is a mixture of kaolinite and illite (clay with varying degrees of plasticity), pressed under a pressure of 400-500 kg / cm2 at a temperature of 1200⁰C-1300⁰C. Porcelain stoneware kitchen sinks allow for significant design changes thanks to the variety of shapes and colors.

The installation method for a kitchen sink made of porcelain stoneware is primarily determined by its shape and the number of bowls in one set. Such sinks can be divided into two main types, these are integrated and mortise, and we will talk about them below, and also watch a video clip.

Recommendations with clarifications.
You should pay attention to the difference between overhead and mortise installation methods, although the model is used, in principle, the same, with a landing flange.
The overhead installation method implies a pedestal with a ready-made seat, and such headsets can always be purchased at shops selling plumbing equipment.
The cut-in method is very similar, only this seat must be cut out yourself.

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But this has certain advantages, because in this case the sink can be installed in any place you need without being tied to the headset template.
So, using a tie-in, the sink is installed even in the middle of the kitchen, if it is required by design, and the size of the room will allow.

Instructions for drilling porcelain stoneware.
It is very possible that you will need to drill a hole either in the porcelain sink (side) or in the porcelain stoneware countertop, so remember one feature - the material is afraid of overheating. To drill it, it is better to use diamond drills (with diamond dusting), or a core drill with the same coating, rather than using victory bits.
To drill large holes with tapered drills, a small hole is first made and only then a larger diameter drill can be used along the pilot hole.
During work, constantly water the developed area with water.

Usually, kitchen sinks are used very actively and with a certain load, because some housewives simply put dishes there for soaking. These points are important to consider when installing - the mount must be rigid and reliable.