Kitchen countertops (47 photos): options and manufacturers, how to do it yourself, instructions, photo and video tutorials

  • Dec 19, 2020
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  • 1 Understanding the materials of kitchen worktops
    • 1.1 Popular materials
  • 2 Laminated chipboard countertops
    • 2.1 What else you should know about plastic options
  • 3 Artificial stone coverings (composite)
    • 3.1 Main types
      • 3.1.1 Acrylic
      • 3.1.2 Allomerate
  • 4 Other types of kitchen countertops
    • 4.1 Natural stone
    • 4.2 Ceramic
    • 4.3 Another curiosity
  • 5 Finally
  • 6 Gallery

When buying a kitchen, you are bound to face the problem of a difficult choice of countertops. In addition to the fact that moisture-resistant kitchen countertops are valued here, what criteria should you pay attention to? You will find the answer to this question, as well as an overview of the most popular coating options in this article.

What should be a quality top for a kitchen set? Moisture resistant, durable and beautiful

Understanding the materials of kitchen worktops

Basically, modern kitchen countertops are 3-4 cm thick slabs mounted on top of the sideboards. Its size and shape directly depend on the size and location of the headset

In most cases, the coating thickness is 3-4 centimeters

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The length of the table top ranges from one and a half to three meters. It can be either straight or angular. The width is equal to the standard for the depth of the cabinets, namely, 60 cm. In some situations, it may slightly exceed the standards.

We would recommend using a slightly wider countertop - 63-65 cm: this will not change the overall look, but you will cling much less to protruding facade fittings and rest against the doors knees.

When the cover exactly matches the size of the bottom of the headset, there is a risk of constantly snagging on the fittings

In order to choose a high-quality coating for the lower cabinets of the headset, you must first familiarize yourself with:

  • with the materials from which they are made;
  • with the rules for the care of the coating;
  • with the possibility of reconstruction in the event of defects;
  • with the price policy of tabletops made of a certain material.

When choosing countertops for kitchen tables, you should pay attention to the peculiarities of caring for it, its cost and the possibility of reconstruction

Popular materials

Having familiarized yourself with all the nuances, it will be much easier for you to choose an option among a wide range of coatings that will fully meet your specific requirements.

Read also the article “What is the best kitchen countertop

The most popular materials for the manufacture of countertops are:

  • laminated chipboard;
  • solid wood;
  • stone - acrylic, agglomerated or natural;
  • ceramic countertop for the kitchen.

The most popular material for the top of the headset is laminated chipboard, artificial stone, wood and ceramics

Let's take a closer look at some of the options.

See also the article “German Kitchen Countertops: An Overview of European Brands“.

Laminated chipboard countertops

Chipboard (chipboard) kitchen worktops - what are they? In fact, these are the same as laminated (plastic) countertops. This is a chipboard sheet, which is covered in several layers with paper-laminated plastic, applied using a special technology called "postforming".

It involves coating a chipboard sheet with plastic under pressure and high temperature. This allows all board edges to be completely covered.

Mounting kitchen sinks under the chipboard countertop will not be a problem - the material lends itself well to processing

Benefits: Thanks to postforming, the chipboard tabletop is durable and moisture resistant. Laminated glossy countertops do not fade in the future, do not absorb unpleasant odors, are resistant to acetone, wine, coffee, as well as to other dyes and detergents. Do not forget about the relative cheapness of the material and a wide range of colors.

disadvantages: Insufficient strength compared to wood, stone or metal counterparts. In places of mechanical damage and scratches, swelling and peeling of plastic from the countertop may occur. Tops like these do not have a high level of heat resistance, which is why hot pots and pans cannot be placed on them.

Kitchen sinks under the chipboard worktop can be chosen in any shape and configuration

Domestic manufacturers produce quite high-quality products for covering kitchen sets. So we can distinguish the Russian trade marks "Soyuz" and "Skif", as well as the Belarusian furniture company "ZOV". Samples of kitchen countertops of these brands are widely represented in the OBI hypermarket chain for home and garden.

Laminated chipboard has a low cost, but not too long service life

What else you should know about plastic options

This option for covering the lower cabinets of the headset has a wide range of not only colors, but also shapes. Let's take a closer look at this point.

  • Thickness. The chipboard kitchen worktop has two thicknesses - 28 and 38 mm. From a practical point of view, they are not particularly different.
  • Depth. Depends on the absence or presence of handles on kitchen fronts. If there are handles, the table top should be made 4 cm (standard for handle depth) more than the front. This is done so that you do not have the opportunity to bump into the handles of doors and drawers.

In most cases, the thickness of the chipboard is 28 or 38 mm

  • Visible edge shape. It can be straight, with a smooth bend at the top (at a radius of 90 degrees), with a smooth bend at the bottom and at the top (at a radius of 180 degrees).
  • Presence / absence of drip tray. When ordering a chipboard covering, pay attention to the presence or absence of a drip tray (a cut-through webbing attached from the bottom). It is designed to hold back drops of water so that they do not fall deep. On a laminated surface, this device will definitely not be superfluous.

Optionally, you can decorate the cover with the selected image.

Read here an article on plastic kitchen countertops.

By the way, only the MDF countertop for the kitchen (or chipboard) will allow you to place any image on its surface - from a work of art to your favorite photo. The only question remains for finding a master who will dare to take on such a specific order!

Artificial stone coverings (composite)

Another very popular option for covering a headset. Composite materials, despite their lower cost in comparison with natural stone, are in no way inferior to it in decorative characteristics.

The photo shows a good example of the location of the composite top under the window

Main types

Let's first deal with the models of kitchen countertops, the surface of which is an artificial stone. There are a lot of options for kitchen worktops made of composites, but in general they can be divided into two groups:

  • acrylic;
  • agglomerate.

Composite materials are cheaper than natural materials, but they look no less stylish

Both are a mixture of minerals, resin binders and dyes. Their main difference is in the percentage composition of minerals and, in fact, additives. Agglomerates are more than 90% composed of particles of stone (granite, quartz, marble) - and this is what makes ready-made countertops most suitable for use in the kitchen. But this is very expensive!

Artificial granite countertop will decorate a classic kitchen

Information about the percentage of natural raw materials for the manufacture of acrylic surfaces is preferably not disclosed. And this suggests that the composition of the resins in this material is quite significant, which is not very good during operation. And now in more detail.

Composite materials have high strength and moisture resistance


The acrylic countertop is so named because acrylic serves as the basis (the binder necessary for its manufacture). Let's consider all the pros and cons of these products.

The assortment of acrylic tops will allow you to choose something for any interior

Benefits: The richest colors, noble appearance. Due to the presence of plastic resins in the composition, acrylic kitchen countertops can take any shape, bend (and seamlessly) along any radius. It is hygienic, non-toxic and has no tendency to form fungus. Such tops are resistant to various detergents, do not absorb odors.

disadvantages: Immunity to mechanical damage and high temperatures. Such a coating is defenseless against food and other dyes. Colored stains from wine, berries and coffee will be integral companions in case of careless use of products. This is not to say that such tops are inexpensive, their price is at least 4 times higher than the cost of a chipboard top.

Colored liquids leave visible stains on acrylic

It is also worth noting that only from acrylic material it is possible to construct the end of the product, which flows as a monolith from the countertop into the sink. Sink with a countertop for the kitchen - looks more than original and stylish.


As previously mentioned, agglomerate is a composite material consisting mainly of natural stone fractions. Usually, in production, they use chips from granite, marble and quartz. Quartz (which consists of more than 90% quartz + 10% dyes and binding resins) is the most popular with us.

By the way, the furniture factory "Maria" (Russia) has a huge selection of composite and other materials for kitchens from artificial and natural stone of the "premium" class.

Agglomerate coating is made on the basis of granite, marble or quartz chips

Benefits: Increased quartz content creates natural hardness, strength, maximum wear resistance and durability of the coating. It is made using the technology of vacuum vibration compaction, with a minimum of cracks and micropores, which ensures excellent water resistance.

This material is maximally resistant to high temperatures, chips, scratches, stains from dyes. It has a wide range of colors and rich appearance.

disadvantages: Agglomerate kitchen covering is not available to everyone. Unlike acrylic, there is a limitation in the radius and shape of the products. Among other things, the agglomerate is also a problem with repairs. If minor damages can be repaired by grinding, the kitchen countertop cannot be restored due to chips.

Agglomerates easily tolerate high humidity and have a high level of wear resistance

Other types of kitchen countertops

There are also types of tops that are used much less often, therefore we will limit ourselves to mentioning them, dwelling in more detail on only some.

Glass coatings look very impressive, but due to their high cost they are not very popular.

What types of kitchen coatings do we know:

  • from natural stone;
  • from glass;
  • made of natural wood;
  • ceramic;
  • made of stainless steel.

Top made of stainless steel - an interesting option for lovers of original solutions

Natural stone

Natural stone is well resistant to temperature and moisture, but is "afraid" of dyes and chips. Its porous surface must be wiped off immediately so that no traces remain that cannot be removed later. However, lovers of everything natural will appreciate the material at its true worth - the countertop for a kitchen table made of natural stone looks impressive and very impressive.

Natural stone looks incredibly beautiful, but also costs accordingly


A kitchen table with a ceramic countertop is an option that can be easily realized with your own hands. It will be distinguished by high strength, stylish appearance, high temperature and moisture resistance.

A mosaic countertop in the kitchen, as well as a do-it-yourself ceramic tile option, will become a highlight of the interior

One of the varieties of ceramic countertops is a mosaic kitchen countertop. It is able to conquer with its bright appearance and long service life, and the instructions for its creation are not so complicated.

Another curiosity

For a small kitchen, where the possibility of installing a dining table is limited, a kind of curiosity was invented: a transforming table. This kind of retractable countertop in the folded kitchen is no different from ordinary drawers. But if you pull the handle, a compact design comes out, which saves space.

Pull-out worktop - ideal for small kitchens

Naturally, this option will not be an equivalent replacement for the dining table, but in many ways it can make life easier for the hostess, bring the necessary comfort to the kitchen. In addition, for the sake of lightness, such a design is quite possible to use.


We have considered the main advantages and disadvantages of popular types of countertops. After reviewing them, it will be easier for you to choose the material that meets your requirements and financial capabilities. You can find more interesting information on the video. Also, be sure to check out the galleries at the end of the material - there are many original ideas for implementation.

What to make an apron in the kitchen: practical options - see here.


The dimensions of the table top directly depend on the dimensions of the headset.
Gray granite top will favorably emphasize the white color of the cabinets
The color of stone countertops (both natural and composite) looks very sophisticated

An example of how a tabletop drawing can become a highlight of an interior
Gray granite successfully echoes the metal edges of the facades
Gloss of acrylic surfaces is the best solution for high-tech or modern style

Artificial stone in its decorative characteristics is in no way inferior to natural
A black countertop in a white kitchen is an ageless classic
Neutral top balances the brightness of the headset

The table top and apron, made of the same material, will become an interesting accent spot
Brown coating on a beige headset is a great solution for small spaces
Coating contrasting with the cabinets makes the interior more interesting

The acrylic coating is successfully combined with the smooth facades of the headset
Drawing of a natural stone cannot leave you indifferent
The tabletop-window sill will allow you to use the space to the maximum advantage

An island with a marble top is one of the most popular attributes of the classic interior style
Acrylic surface can be shaped to almost any shape
An example of a countertop for a high-tech or modern interior

Acrylic sink combined with the countertop will simplify cleaning of the kitchen
Coated sinks look sleek and stylish
Black top - a universal solution for a headset of any color

A pattern as if created by nature itself
Solid color worktop and cabinets form a single unit

The pattern on the top will add spice to the decor
Granite surfaces are highly durable
The tabletop and apron made in the same color scheme create an interesting tandem

The stone slab can serve as a dining table
Wood flooring in a white kitchen looks incredibly stylish
Playing on contrasts

With additional lighting, the tabletop will sparkle with new colors
An interesting option for eco-style
The pattern of natural stone is unique and does not repeat itself twice

Another example of using one material for an apron and cover
Marble flooring in a white classic kitchen
Periodic polishing will help keep the stone surface perfectly smooth.

Glass tops look incredible, but their price is too high.
Tempered glass, in addition to its visual appeal, has increased strength
A dark set with the same top is an option that can only be used in spacious kitchens

Granite flooring organically blended into the classic decor
You should be careful with stone countertops - it is impossible to restore them after chipping.
The chrome shine of the sink is favorably set off by a gray smooth countertop

Two-tier kitchen countertop with two-row layout
Who said a gray countertop is boring?
Classic - white top, black bottom

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