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Ability to choose a product in the supermarket attracts, but there is always the risk of accidentally dropping something or hurt, break or damage the packaging. From such unpleasant situation no one is immune, so it is crucial to know what to do if it happened all the same. In no case do not need to rush in search of the purse, more importantly, take a breath and exhale and the guard calmly explain what happened...
In a situation when the goods is broken, and shops damaged, guilt can be a buyer and the store itself, or rather its employees, which did not provide the stability of the goods on the shelves. Immediately make a reservation, that whatever it was, no one can force you to pay for damaged goods on the site, it is illegal. The right way - through the courts to establish the guilt of the buyer, and even then indemnify.
Analyze incidents when the buyer clearly lays the blame for the deterioration of the goods. Such situations a little bit: for example, you take a bottle of wine in his hands and released it, it broke. Or your behavior was the most careless, you jump, run around the room, riding on a trolley or committed such acts. Definitely wine on you, especially if you got the goods from the shelves and threw it on the floor or ripped packaging. In this case, the product uniquely have to purchase.
There are many other cases where the blame for the broken or damaged - to the store employees. So, if the store floor is slippery, you slipped and missed a basket of products or goods from the hands of a few, the fault lies with the technicians, who in good faith spent cleaning. Advertising
The reason for the fall of the goods can be and what he put on the shelf is unstable (eg, glass jars are heaped upon each other) or on the shelves there are no safety barriers. This is not the buyer's fault, but the administrator area of responsibility and shop vendors.
Another common cause - the distance between the shelves is not correct, as a result, squeezing between the shelves, the buyer may accidentally touch the goods on the shelves. The minimum permissible distance - 1.4 m, it should be remembered, in the case of a dispute to request that if you have been made the measurements.
The algorithm in a conflict situation would be:
1. Invite seller or store security guard, to explain the reason why the goods broken or damaged.
2. Ask complaints book in which to write your version of what happened in detail.
3. Ask for two witnesses to stay with you (if you have come to the supermarket with someone, you do only on a hand).
4. In no case do not pay for the goods, compensation for damage - only through the courts.
5. Do not leave your passport as a deposit, at the request of protection to produce a document, you can show a page with your name and photo, and then - to dictate the passport data.
Most often, stores administration gives back up as soon realize that the buyer is aware, what is the mechanism to solve the conflict. Extra checks to anyone not necessary, and the trial involves such efforts. So often the passions subsides as soon as you said that you know your rights.
To feel in a store, like a fish in water, and do not fall for the tricks of wily managers read 10 tricks that are caught on the hook for supermarket visitors and make them spend more.
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A source: https://novate.ru/blogs/210918/47847/