Leather kitchen corner (39 photos): video instructions for choosing with your own hands, options with leatherette upholstery, difference from leather furniture, price, photo

  • Dec 20, 2020
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  • 1 Benefits of leather corners
  • 2 What you need to pay attention to when choosing a kitchen corner
    • 2.1 Padding
    • 2.2 Fasteners
  • 3 Conclusion on the topic

Kitchen corners have been specially designed by furniture designers to create cozy and comfortable dining areas in small kitchens. The layman immediately liked the alternative to chairs and stools, this furniture quickly became popular and very much in demand. But practice has shown that not all corner upholstery can withstand an aggressive kitchen environment.

For example, fabrics quickly became unsightly in terms of appearance. Dropped food, spilled liquids left traces on kitchen nooks that were difficult to clean or not cleaned at all. The smells of cooking were also quickly absorbed into the fabric, so there was always a specific aroma in the kitchen.

Gorgeous leather corner design

Gorgeous leather corner design

That all changed when manufacturing companies began offering leather kitchen corners. Of course, most of the models were not leather in the full sense of the word. But even the substitutes gave the furniture a presentable and chic look.

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But the kitchen leather corners got their name precisely because the first models were sheathed exactly leather, the price of which is still quite high (for a large number of consumers they are practically not available)

But leatherette kitchen corners are a budget option that is available to almost everyone. It should be noted that at a low price of the product, this type does an excellent job with the responsibilities assigned to it.

And today leatherette in its physical, technical and operational characteristics will not yield to natural leather.

Leather kitchen corners in modern kitchen design

Leather kitchen corners in modern kitchen design

Let's add here that modern kitchen furniture manufacturers currently offer a huge assortment of leather corners, which differ from each other not only in shape and size, design approach and exclusivity, but also in the color of the leather upholstery.

Here there are not only traditional colors: black and brown (and all its shades), but also red, blue, yellow and more. And all this allows you to choose a leather corner for the kitchen in accordance with the general concept of the room design.

Benefits of leather corners

  • Practicality. It is very easy to care for leather corners in the kitchen. As practice shows, there is no need to use special detergents to clean them. Sometimes a damp cloth is enough.
  • On the surface of the leather or leatherette, there are no traces of either spilled liquids or food that has fallen on the surface of the seat.
  • Aesthetic appearance. Say what you like, but a leather kitchen corner is solid. And even if leatherette was used instead of genuine leather, this furniture will still look gorgeous.
  • Huge variety of shades. It was already mentioned above about the color palette that manufacturers use today. And the choice of color is a choice of your own taste. And no one will help you make the right choice, you will need to make it yourself, so to speak, with your own hands. Although some rules and regulations kitchen interior design you still have to stick with.
  • We add that manufacturers today for each model are ready to offer a different color palette..
Leather corners for the kitchen from leatherette

Leather corners for the kitchen from leatherette

The quality characteristics of the leatherette are inferior to natural leather.
The service life of such furniture is several times less (a lot will depend on the accuracy of the users), but at the same time, its cost is even lower, which is an important factor in terms of choosing a corner from two categories.

But if you look closely at two pieces of furniture, so to speak, with the naked eye, then it is almost impossible to determine where the skin is and where the substitute is. Modern technologies for the production of leatherette have made it possible today to establish the production of materials that are practically the same in many parameters.

What you need to pay attention to when choosing a kitchen corner

This is a very important question, and a lot will depend on materials used in the production of this type of kitchen furniture. Everything has already been said about upholstery, but there are other materials that need to be paid special attention to.


There are several types of materials that manufacturers use for seat and backrest padding. If foam was used (often used), then choose a kitchen corner with a dense material. But gradually this seal is losing ground to more modern counterparts.

Traditional colors of the kitchen corner

Traditional colors of the kitchen corner

For example, polyurethane. It is an environmentally friendly material that breathes, which is a very important factor. Let's add here high rates of moisture and heat transfer. And add a longer service life.


The indicator of strength and reliability will largely depend on the fasteners of the parts of the kitchen corner. Therefore, special attention to them. First, you need to pay attention to the number of self-tapping screws (bolts, screws, etc.) with which the fasteners are screwed to the main parts.

There should be either six or eight self-tapping screws (it all depends on the number of mounting holes).

Presentable appearance of the kitchen corner

Presentable appearance of the kitchen corner

Secondly, the number of loops, if suspended boxes are used in the construction of the corner. There should be at least two of them for each box. Thirdly, this is the attachment of the legs. Everything is the same as with other parts, the number of screws must exactly match the number of holes.

Conclusion on the topic

I would like to finish this article with one more piece of advice - if your kitchen is small, then never buy a corner with a wide seat. It will take up a lot of space and will reduce an already small space.

If you have not made your choice yet, then we suggest watching the photos and videos that we have specially posted for you on this page. This will help you, as an instruction for use.


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