Manufacturers of kitchen furniture: DIY video instructions for installation, features of Russian manufacturers, price, photo

  • Dec 20, 2020
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  • 1 New headset - a gift for the hostess
    • 1.1 Corner kitchens - a fresh look at space saving
    • 1.2 Style is a means of self-expression
  • 2 A few nuances in the end

Choosing a kitchen from a manufacturer is a rather difficult and delicate matter. In our country, over the past 15 years, there has been a sharp growth in furniture manufacturing companies, and there are not only domestic, but also foreign firms. Many manufacturers of kitchen furniture rely on beauty and style, but these are far from the most important indicators when buying a good and reliable headset.

The most important role is played by the material from which the furniture itself is made. The second place in the selection is taken by the fittings and the internal structure of the headset - after all, this furniture is purchased with the expectation of rather long operation, therefore all nodes and connections must also meet high quality indicators and durability.

kitchen furniture manufacturers

Cozy and well-groomed kitchen with an interesting set, dining area and decorations

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A modern layman should not be told that the cheaper the headset is, the cheaper the material was used in its assembly. But you do not need to strictly adhere to this principle - the most expensive models also sometimes do not represent the standard of quality and beauty.

When ordering a new headset, you can choose not one material, but several at once: for example, natural wood can be combined with chipboard (where natural wood - kitchen facade, and chipboard is the basis of the structure). You can also add glass here, making the doors transparent, and at the same time practical.

kitchen furniture manufacturer

The set is made of chipboard, and the facade is made of solid alder

We do not argue that not every family in our country can afford such a headset option, therefore many companies offer to the layman, cheaper analogues, which are practically in no way inferior to natural materials, and in some characteristics even are superior.

New headset - a gift for the hostess

The kitchen is a place where men and women spend a lot of time every day, doing not only cooking, but also other household chores.
Therefore, you should order a headset from the manufacturer not so much beautiful as convenient and comfortable.

Any manufacturer of kitchen furniture will make according to your order as the most ordinary kitchen, which will not differ in special sophistication, and a high-quality model, created only according to your wishes, using the highest quality and most expensive materials.

As an example, consider the popular Modern kitchens. High quality plastic, MDF and aluminum fittings are used to create them.

In general, the originality and attractiveness of a new custom-made headset depends only on your imagination and the approach of a professional designer - Russian manufacturers are interested in attracting new customers, therefore they are always ready to come to their aid and create something original and unique.

kitchen furniture manufacturers

Modern kitchen

Corner kitchens - a fresh look at space saving

kitchen furniture manufacturers

Corner kitchen - a rational solution for miniature kitchens

For those who have small kitchens in their apartments, corner models are ideal. This arrangement allows housewives to use the working area of ​​the room as efficiently as possible without crashing into the furniture.

Corner kitchen sets will allow you to use the kitchen space strictly for its intended purpose: now you can easily put a small dining table and refrigerator even in a tiny kitchen.


Functional corner kitchen with dining area and refrigerator

If you are a happy owner of a large kitchen, then compact headsets can be easily supplemented with a luxurious dining table (it is better to match the tabletop in color with the set), thereby making a small "island" visually dividing space.

Many modern manufacturers successfully produce high-quality corner kitchens that have served their happy owners for many years. With their help, you can decorate your interior, correctly organize the working space in the kitchen, divide the working and dining areas.

Corner set for "Khrushchev" kitchens

Style is a means of self-expression

In addition to different colors and materials, kitchen sets from the manufacturer differ in style.

The price for this "luxury" is reasonable, so even if you don't have enough money to buy a headset right away, you can easily do it in installments.

  1. English style - beautiful shapes, thoughtful details and usually solemnity that is not typical of a kitchen setting.
    Turning your attention to the center of such a headset, you will see a kind of portal, which, as conceived by the designers, imitates a fireplace. The facades of such furniture are made of MDF or wood.
    Delicate, deep colors are used as colors, but black and white can often be found. The surface of the English style headsets is lacquered and decorated with gold or silver patina.

English style kitchen with imitation fireplace

The laconic, but at the same time solemn design of the English cuisine is striking

English cuisine in dark colors

  1. Classic Is a good old way of turning your kitchen into a work of art. Such sets are framed, with stained-glass windows, combined, with a lattice, with decorative and lower columns.
    In their manufacture, they can be used as natural materials (solid maple, ash, oak), or environmentally friendly MDF panels.
    In the classic style, the surface is tinted and varnished kitchen facade, but sometimes you can find quite bright colors with the use of enamel.

Classic style kitchen (suite with stained-glass windows)

Classic style kitchen (suite with stained-glass windows) 2

  1. Modern - when creating kitchen furniture in this style, manufacturers use the most modern materials: PVC films, plastic, MDF and various enamels.
    As for the design, the advantage of smooth lines and curves is immediately noticeable in Art Nouveau. IN color scheme of kitchen fronts bright and saturated colors are used, while the surface can be both smooth and textured.

Modern kitchen

  1. Art Deco - this style is also called a luxury style. Art Deco kitchen models are distinguished by rich finishes: facades made of MDF are usually decorated with a rich baguette frame, which is covered with gold or silver paint.
    Manufacturers use friezes and cornices, elegant decorative and exclusive elements. The range of colors of such headsets is very diverse: from white and brown tones to exotic colors that imitate animal skins;

Art Deco style, solid option

A more exclusive Art Deco kitchen

  1. Provence - this style is often called "light" for its rich decoration and sophisticated forms.
    Kitchen sets in the Provence style, as a rule, are made of MDF using patination. When designing a future kitchen, designers use a straight and curly layout.

Provence kitchen

Provence kitchen in dark green color

Another interesting option

A few nuances in the end

Kitchen furniture - both Western and domestic manufacturers do not stand still, they are constantly being improved. New and better designs are emerging, incorporating the most modern furniture innovations. After all, just think that literally ten years ago we could only watch beautiful kitchen sets on TV, and now almost everyone can afford luxurious kitchen furniture.

The price for kitchen sets is always unstable and largely depends on the manufacturer's fame and the quality of the materials that were used as components. The cost can be affected by glass inserts and additional shelves, chrome inserts and custom-made facades for you. It turns out that the price of furniture from the manufacturer is formed entirely from the wishes of the customer.

Any headset model is individual in its own way and has a number of design features. Therefore, many modern companies recommend not undertaking the assembly with their own hands, but contacting an experienced carpenter.

In the event that you have some professional skills, then our photo and video will certainly come in handy. instructions in which you can find answers to all questions related to the production and assembly of kitchen headsets.

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