Kitchen corner with sleeping place (42 photos) - how to choose from a wide range of models

  • Dec 20, 2020
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  • 1 Than the sleeping area is upholstered
  • 2 Kitchen corner design
  • 3 Range of sleeping areas for the kitchen
    • 3.1 Model "Laguna"
    • 3.2 Model from the Borovichi factory
    • 3.3 Sleeping soft kitchenette with niche for small items
    • 3.4 Sofa model with the name of a Greek god
    • 3.5 Model with a female name
    • 3.6 Comfort model
    • 3.7 Model with ultra-modern design
  • 4 Conclusion on the topic

The small size of one-room apartments often creates problems when relatives suddenly come to you and decide to stay with you for the night. Accommodation of guests in a small apartment is a serious matter, here it is important not to offend anyone.

That is why designers advise using the kitchen space in this regard by installing a folding kitchenette with a sleeping place. Experience shows that this is the best option for arranging this room.

Soft kitchen sliding corner

Soft kitchen sliding corner

The corner with a sleeping place for the kitchen is, firstly, comfortable, and, secondly, stylish. This furniture will become not only another sleeping place, but also a real decoration of the space itself. Currently, the companies offer a fairly wide range of models that can satisfy the most demanding customer.

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I would like to note that kitchen corners with a sleeping place have a number of great advantages.

  • They take up a minimum of space, leaving enough space for the functionality of the room.
  • You can create a unique and stylish interior if you choose the right angle and size of the corner. And this, as practice shows, is one of the most important indicators.
  • In the unfolded position, this furniture becomes a sleeping place, moreover, a full one.
  • The kitchen sleeping corner has such a simple design that even a baby can handle it with his own hands.
Unfolded corner

Unfolded corner

The sleeping kitchen corner is a versatile piece of furniture because it can be placed in any room (living room, corridor, niche).
We add that by purchasing it, you save a lot, because its price is much lower than that of other types of beds and sofas.

Than the sleeping area is upholstered

To begin with, whether you like it or not, you will have to prepare food in the kitchen. This means that her smells will surely settle on the upholstery of the corner. Therefore, manufacturers offer furniture upholstered in either leather or leatherette.

Rarely, but you can still find flock upholstery soaked in special compounds that guarantee the rejection of odors, steam and other negative factors (by the way, spilled liquids can easily washed).

Kitchen corner design

As for the color scheme, the color options are so diverse that choosing exactly for the interior of your own kitchen is not difficult today.

And if you purchase a kitchenette with a bed for an already functioning room, then choosing exactly is not a problem. What do manufacturers offer today?

Creative look for modern interiors

Creative look for modern interiors

It is very fashionable today to use it in small sizes high-tech furniture in kitchens or techno. In this regard, the corners do not lag behind other species. For example, the red color of the upholstery and metal handrails and legs will give your kitchen a creative edge.

If your kitchen windows face north, then orange or yellow upholstery will be most relevant here. But, according to the designers, the most popular color is currently brown, as well as all its shades. Do you know why? The thing is that consumers very often choose a kitchen set in natural wood color.

Although today we can say that the color design of the interior is not always associated with a harmonious combination of shades. How many interiors have already been proposed, where the design is based on contrast. And this does not surprise anyone.

Range of sleeping areas for the kitchen

Kitchen corners with a berth from the manufacturer today reflect all the design developments of recent years. And every consumer today will find that model that will not only please all household members, but also that will fit exactly into the interior. And these two indicators are the most important, no matter what you say.

Model "Laguna"

Folding sofa "Laguna-2"

Folding sofa "Laguna-2"

Laguna sofas are presented today in three models:

  1. This is an ordinary sofa.
  2. it soft corner for the kitchen.
  3. This is a folding corner with a sleeping place. Therefore, its marking is "Laguna 2".

Magnificent upholstered furniture, upholstered with flock and leatherette, stable on metal sliding legs, equipped with inner drawers. Manufacturers offer, as a distinctive feature, bright upholstery tones, where red and orange stand out.

Model from the Borovichi factory

A well-known manufacturer, which today offers corners with a berth for the kitchen of the Etude model. This is compact furniture that will fit perfectly into small kitchen spaces. The frame is made of wood. The same can be said for the finishing.

Sofa corner "Etude"

Sofa corner "Etude"

For upholstery, leatherette is most often used. During the development of this model, the designers decided to equip its design with a special transformation mechanism - "Dolphin".

Sleeping soft kitchenette with niche for small items

The kitchen corner "Visit" with a sleeping place differs from other models in that a special niche is placed in its design, which can be used for household small things, which is very convenient. Manufacturers claim they can provide sofa color options without restrictions.

And the dimensions can be adjusted to any room, the main thing is to correctly measure.

Folding sofa for the kitchen "Visit"

Folding sofa for the kitchen "Visit"

The only thing that manufacturers draw consumers' attention to is that this furniture is intended for small spaces, so you shouldn't make giant beds out of it. You can change the standard sizes in one direction or another by only one meter.

Sofa model with the name of a Greek god

The original shape and design of the Hermes kitchen corner allows you to create coziness and comfort in the kitchen. A variety of colors and ease of use have actually gained great popularity of this model.

The manufacturers have tried to please all consumers by offering a wide range of upholstery colors and different sizes that can be ordered.

Furniture kitchen corner "Hermes"

Furniture kitchen corner "Hermes"

By the way, the width of the corner can change by only 10%, this must be borne in mind.

As an addition, a built-in drawer with a lifting mechanism and pillows of various shapes are offered:

  • Solid;
  • Square;
  • A droplet.

Model with a female name

This model is considered the most beautiful, it is not for nothing that it bears the name "Alexandra".

  • First, it is made from solid wood, where only hardwood is used. For example, ash, oak, maple, alder, etc.
    And this indicates the high strength characteristics of the furniture.
  • Secondly, it is the beauty of wood, to which beautiful upholstery is matched.
  • Thirdly, pay attention to the photo, the back of the sofa and the seat are made as a whole. This is a distinctive feature of the design. These elements are voluminous and soft.
  • Fourth, the sleeping area looks like a monolith, it is not divided into several parts.
  • Fifth, the seat is equipped with a lifting mechanism. There are quite spacious boxes under it.
Sofa corner "Alexandra"

Sofa corner "Alexandra"

And if you decide to create on kitchen interior in classic style, then this particular model will be just right here. It does not look bulky, like many pieces of furniture made of solid wood, it has a peculiar charm, like any woman, after whom it was named.

Comfort model

If you decide to create comfortable conditions in the kitchen, we recommend a corner with a sleeping place in the "Comfort" kitchen. What makes this model different from the rest. Firstly, the fact that it is made of plywood (meaning the frame). Secondly, the entire sofa corner, that is, completely, is upholstered with either leatherette or flock.

Currently, the companies producing these models began to use in combination with leatherette and fabrics that are treated with special protective compounds and solutions. This is a guarantee of quality.

Soft corner for the kitchen "Comfort"

Soft corner for the kitchen "Comfort"

Thirdly, this is the absence of lifting legs. That is, the furniture is installed on a frame on which special plastic linings are stuffed from below. The variety of upholstery and the ability to adapt to the size of the room made this model very popular.

Model with ultra-modern design

If you have a desire to create something unusual, something creative in your kitchen, then choose the Metro SV kitchen sofas, you won't be mistaken. This is a modern style of furniture design with a wide range of color options where you can use leather and leatherette for upholstery.

Corner "Metro SV"

Corner "Metro SV"

Such a corner will decorate the interior, the design of which is made in modern traditions, where there is a lot of plastic, metal and glass. Young people are delighted with this design. But the most amazing thing is that this model has a large berth, which is fully enough for two.

Conclusion on the topic

If the conversation is about all models of this type of kitchen furniture, then there is simply not enough space on the site page, it is so wide.

But there is still a need to note some of them:

  1. "Prestige";
  2. Rio;
  3. "Elite".

And this is just a small list. Therefore, to make it easier for you to navigate in the variety of models, we suggest watching the video posted here. Let this be an instruction for you in your search in the Ikea store if you decide to buy a corner there.



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