Kitchen design P 44T with a bay window (42 photos): how to do it yourself, instructions, photo and video tutorials

  • Dec 20, 2020
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  • 1 General information
  • 2 Options for organizing functional areas
    • 2.1 Work zone
    • 2.2 Dinner Zone
  • 3 Choosing an interior style
  • 4 Don't forget about the decor
  • 5 Finally
  • 6 Gallery

The thoughtful design of the P 44 kitchen with an additional bay window is a real puzzle even for professionals, not to mention ordinary people. How to play with this constructive element and how can it be succinctly fit into the interior? Let's try to figure it out.

The design of the kitchen in P 44 allows you to conveniently arrange the dining or work areas

General information

In order for the kitchen design in the P 44t series house to look harmonious and aesthetically pleasing, it is necessary to apply an integrated approach that will help to avoid the most common mistakes. To begin with, let's give a little general information about the features of kitchens with a bay window.

The shape of the bay window can be rectangular, triangular or trapezoidal

What is a bay window? This is the protruding part of the wall, which has a separate base and its own roof. It can have different shapes, contain a cantilever beam, which makes the interior space even more complicated.

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The built-in niche allows you to increase the kitchen area, add light to it and expand possible layout options

The P44t kitchen design with a bay window has several obvious advantages. So it allows you to:

  • add useful kitchen area;
  • expand the available layout options;
  • increase the amount of natural light in the room.

Thanks to the large number of windows, the kitchen space is filled with lightness and lightness

It would seem that the presence of additional square meters should please. But it's not that simple. The bay window, as a rule, is not insulated, has a very small area and small windows, which cause some bewilderment among all owners of elite square meters.

How can you make the most of your existing design features? Let's take a closer look at this point.

In order to place furniture in a niche as compactly as possible, it is better to make it to order, taking into account all the design features

Read also an article on kitchen design with a bay window.

Options for organizing functional areas

Thinking over the design of the kitchen in the houses of the P 44 series, it is worth considering several available options for arrangement. The bay window can be used as:

  • additional working area;
  • a full dining area.

Depending on the desired interior, the bay window can be equipped for a work area or a full dining area

Let's take a closer look at the features and nuances of each of the proposed options.

Work zone

The design of the kitchen in the house P 44, where the bay window acts as an extension of the working area, allows to relieve the space and make it more functional. To make the most effective use of all the features of the architectural structure, you should adhere to several recommendations. The instructions below will show you how to do this.

When arranging a work area, you should adhere to some ergonomic rules

You can do it yourself in the bay window:

  • Countertop. The table top, smoothly turning into a wide window sill, will provide the hostess with an additional work surface with natural light.

By extending the countertop, you can organize a U-shaped kitchen layout

  • Washing. A very unusual option that allows you to diversify the process of washing dishes with a beautiful view from the window. Please note that for its implementation, you should try and provide the washing with the necessary communications (water and sewage).
  • Upper oblong modules. Use this option if you have a small bay window. Long top cabinets will visually enlarge it and add depth to the space.

The wide window sill can be used to store small kitchen utensils

But what you definitely should not do when working on the design of the kitchen in the P 44t is to put a hob in the bay window. This solution has two significant drawbacks.

To begin with, the question arises with the installation of a hood, which is almost impossible to reliably place and fix in such an architectural structure. Among other things, the hob will constantly fog up the windows, which will increase the amount of work when cleaning the kitchen. Is the price too high for an unjustified decision?

The hob in the bay window is not the best idea. It will constantly cause fogging of windows.

Dinner Zone

If the kitchen area is not deprived of square meters, decorating a bay window for a dining area will be a successful and unusual solution.

In the bay window, you can equip a dining area by equipping it with a comfortable sofa

To make its implementation as effective as possible, it is worth considering the following nuances:

  • Furniture shape. To make the decor look harmonious, you should try to purchase furniture that repeats the shape of the bay window itself. It can be a soft sofa or a dining group. For a rectangular bay window, choose the same rectangular table, for a semicircular one - an oval design.

The shape of the furniture should follow the shape of the bay window - this way you make the most of the available space

  • Heating. Some designers propose to dismantle radiators installed in the bay window to increase the space. This decision is controversial, since the outer wall remains unheated. True, instead of a radiator, you can install heated floors or another type of insulation in the niche. Nevertheless, we would recommend not resorting to such drastic solutions.
  • Distance to the hob. The farther from the hob and sink the dining group is located, the better.

It is not worth getting rid of the radiator in the bay window - the risk of mold formation on the walls increases

Choosing an interior style

To make it easier for you to decide on the style that can be used to create a kitchen design with a bay window, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the most popular options.

  • Classical. It is characterized by restrained colors and severity of lines. You can place a headset made of solid wood or its imitation in the bay window.

The classic interior is characterized by light colors and furniture made from natural materials.

  • Modern. It features smooth and asymmetrical lines that are so easy to implement in kitchens with a bay window. In addition, in the process of arranging, you can use a wide variety of materials - from metal to plastic.

In modern style, you can use a wide range of materials - from plastic to metal

  • Minimalism. It will successfully emphasize the natural lighting of the bay window, fill the space with lightness.

Minimum detail and maximum light are the main features of minimalism

  • High tech. Includes the use of metal, glass and plastic surfaces, as well as high-tech household appliances. Choosing high-tech, you need to pay special attention to lighting the bay window. There you can install small spotlights, LED strips or sconces with unusual shapes.

Don't forget about the decor

In order to ultimately get a thoughtful and organic kitchen design p 44t, you need to take care of high-quality decor. In the process, do not forget about:

  • Textiles. It is an essential design element for bay windows. For a spacious niche, straight curtains in light colors that move freely along a modern curved cornice are ideal. Small windows are best draped with roman blinds - they do not take up much space, while looking impressive.

Light sheer curtains are the best decoration for bay windows

  • Colors. Colors for a bay window should not stand out from the general interior of the room. It is better to abandon dark saturated shades that visually reduce the bay window structure.

The color of the architectural structure should be in harmony with the tone of the room

  • Lighting. If you decide to install a work area in a bay window, equip it with symmetrical sconces on brackets. To illuminate the dining area, it is better to use wall lamps with soft dim light or floor lamps.


In any case, the bay window -zest of living space. It allows you to visually enlarge the space, making it more airy and light. We talked about the functional options for using a bay window in the kitchen, choosing the style of the interior and its decor. You just have to listen to the suggested recommendations and create an organic and unusual kitchen decor.

You will find more interesting ideas for implementation on video and photo materials in our article.

Classic Kitchen Design - see here.


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