Content1 Features purple2 What shade to choose2.1 Furniture selection2.2 Wall decoration3 Conclus...
Content1 Successful combinations and styles1.1 Furniture and walls1.2 Scenery2 ConclusionHave you...
Content1 The choice of colors for the kitchen1.1 General rules for the selection of colors1.2 Wha...
Content1 Color and space2 Selection for all components3 Choosing a solution for the kitchen inter...
Content1 A few words about psychology2 Let's talk about shades2.1 Scarlet2.2 Brick red2.3 Crimson...
Content1 Modern trends in bright colors: 5 styles1.1 Scandinavian style1.2 Provence1.3 Hi-tech1.4...
Content1 Secrets of organic decor2 A little about universality3 Black and white or still white an...
Content1 Features and shades of burgundy1.1 Color combinations with burgundy2 Stylistic ideas for...
Content1 Options for using yellow in the kitchen1.1 Kitchen facades1.2 Walls, floors, ceilings1.3...
Content1 Typical mistakes2 Myths about interiors in domino colors2.1 Bad experience of the 90s2.2...
Content1 Harmony of color and light1.1 Correct selection of colors1.2 Lighting and illumination2 ...
Content1 Benefits of a white kitchen2 White color in the interior2.1 Companion shades3 Features o...