Mesembryanthemum (Crystal grass)

  • Dec 24, 2019
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Mesembryanthemum represents beautiful annual plant whose surface is covered with a kind of transparent droplets which penetrate through the sun's rays, causing the play of light. Crystal grass inflorescence forms in various shades. Its leaves are considered to be edible: they resemble the taste of a fresh cucumber, so they can be used in salads.

Growing mesembryanthemum. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©
Growing mesembryanthemum. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©

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Planting and growing from seed mesembryanthemum

The landing of the seed produced in the last decade of March. For growing grass ice chosen shade. Direct sunlight for seedlings undesirable. The composition of the soil does not play a big role, you can use any.

Before planting soil should be lightly compacted, sprinkle the seeds on top and cover with plastic canvas. 2 weeks after sowing the first shoots appear. At this time, the shelter should be removed for a few hours, the soil is aired. If necessary, the seedlings can be watered.

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Producing procedure should be careful not to damage the fragile sprouts. For irrigation it is recommended to use a small watering can with a fine spray nozzle or soil with a sprayer. Watering is desirable to use rain water or spaced.

Need to monitor the moisture content of the soil - with excessive watering all the seedlings will fall on the ground. If the trouble still occurs, you need to try to dry the soil in a short time. For this cover must be removed for a longer period.

When the young plants will be 3-4 regular sheet, you are ready to dive. After the procedure, shoots are transplanted into individual containers. For this purpose, disposable cups are ideal peat.

Flowering mesembryanthemum. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©
Flowering mesembryanthemum. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©

In late May, the seedlings can be planted to a permanent place of dwelling. Icy grass bloom only in the second decade of August. First round shape will form buds, and then they bloom.

For the growth of a crystal grass, you can use store bought seeds or planting material to obtain on their own. To personally collect the seeds before the onset of the first frost, you must:

  • Wait until the boll maturation. If the cold came earlier than usual, you need to cut the branches with buds and transfer them into a warm room. Due to the accumulated liquid inside the stems of flowering will continue without water, which will as a result receive seeds.
  • Cut off the stems with testes and thoroughly dry them.
  • Separate boxes from branches and soaked in warm water. When soften their surface, control the small seeds brown.
  • Cuts on a small matter thoroughly dried seeds in a warm, ventilated place.
Care mesembryanthemum. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©
Care mesembryanthemum. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©

Choosing the best location for planting and subsequent care

When transplanting should be chosen secluded dark place, then plant out the young plants should be in a well-lit areas. In the shade of icy grass grows poorly and may not even release a color. It is desirable that the landing site was protected on all sides from drafts and strong winds.

In the care of the flower is unpretentious. It does not need watering. Plant enough seasonal rains. Icy grass moisture accumulates in their stems. If heavily waterlogged soil, plants can die. To crystal grass grew rapidly and luxuriantly blooming regularly enough to remove weeds and loosen the soil.

original article and many other materials can be found on our website.

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