4 reasons why there is constant order in Scandinavian homes

  • Dec 21, 2020
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  • 1 They take off their shoes at the door
  • 2 Lighting is everything to them
  • 3 Lighting games
  • 4 Built-in appliances

Let's be realistic: Scandinavian homes always seem flawless. We asked them what exactly our northern friends are doing to make their homes look so spotless, and they shared with us a few tips for keeping clean.

They take off their shoes at the door

Order in the hallway. Source: vk.com

In Scandinavia, no one ever wears shoes indoors. Even dining guests politely take off their shoes, sometimes bringing home a pair of shoes with them to change.

Lighting is everything to them

Well lit room. Source: ok.ru

Because of the harsh darkness in winter, - explain the Scandinavians thirst and revere light. Part of maintaining a minimalist home is just having as much light space as possible.

Lighting games

The downside to the darkness of Scandinavian winters is that summers are absurdly bright at almost all hours of the day. "I found that I clean a lot more in the summer because the light hits everything, illuminating the dust and dirt."

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Built-in appliances

Built-in appliances. Source: hoff.ru

Most Scandinavian apartments (except newly built ones) have almost no built-in furniture. This is what helps them not to hide the mess that constantly blisters their eyes and they try to get rid of it as soon as possible.

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