5 things you shouldn't keep under your bed

  • Dec 21, 2020
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  • 1 Too heavy objects
  • 2 Storage boxes without wheels
  • 3 Clothes that are not in a sealed container
  • 4 Bulky sweaters and jackets
  • 5 Empty suitcases

Under-bed storage is the best of both worlds: hiding shoes, clothes and bedding is a quick and easy solution for items that you use from time to time, but it also keeps those rarely used items completely out of sight when you are not using them.

While using the space under the bed is often practical, there are things that just shouldn't be stored there. Here are a few of them:

Too heavy objects

Not only do you want to avoid picking up super-heavy objects from your bedroom floor. Storing heavy items in the trash can also scratch the floor if you make them heavy.

Storage boxes without wheels

Box without wheels. Source: sun9-15.userapi.com

If your hard boxes don't slip, they'll scratch uncarpeted floors when you take them out. If your hoppers don't have wheels, you can purchase self-adhesive felt feet to avoid scratching them.

Clothes that are not in a sealed container

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Lots of shoes on the shelves. Photo: xn - 80adfe5b7a9ayd.xn - 80adxhks

In general, always store clothing and other bedding in storage boxes. (Rule of thumb: Look for long, low plastic boxes that open at the top and on both sides.) You don't want dust to accumulate on your clothes out of season!

Bulky sweaters and jackets

If these cold weather items are not in vacuum bags, they are likely to take up too much space under your bed. It is clear that you want these items to be in your closet in the master bedroom, but it would not hurt to store them in a less cramped place, away from your usual clothing store.

Empty suitcases

Opened suitcase. Photo: cdn2.rzn.info

Suitcases belong in the basement or storage rooms outside the bedroom... unless they fulfill their role too. Why not fill your suitcases and make your space under your bed work really hard?

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