What celebrities eat: Jennifer Lopez

  • Dec 21, 2020
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Jennifer Lopez has a very “delicious diet”. Many women would dream of such a diet. She denies herself a little. Her table is filled with all sorts of things.

A smile is a great decoration for a woman. Photo: joinfo.ua

She loves to pamper herself with both fatty meats and high-calorie chocolate bars, and sometimes fried potato chips she does not bypass.
True, after a high-calorie meal, she works very diligently in the gym, and this fact is, in part, the same regulator in maintaining the desired physical shape.

The singer works hard! Photo: www.cosmo.ru

Among other things, the singer has several proven diets that she uses to fight extra pounds. This is the chocolate diet, which is quite difficult, and other ways.
According to the singer, she resorts to a chocolate diet in the case when she urgently needs to lose extra pounds.
Basically, in a week of chocolate diet, the singer can get the desired result.

Diligence and work bring good results. Photo: m.spletnik.ru

And, of course, frequent training, physical activity, professional work, which implies the absence of a long passivity - all this contributes to the fact that the abundance on the table of Jennifer Lopez does not affect her appearance.

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