How to grow a good crop of onions? 10 secrets care onion

  • Dec 24, 2019

Grow a good crop of onions help 10 secrets that experienced gardeners use. These guidelines make it possible to increase productivity by several times and prolong storage heads.

Growing onions. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©
Growing onions. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©

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raise productivity

To get a good harvest, you need to pay due attention not only to care for plants but also planting Seva:

  • Onion prefers light soils with slightly acid or neutral reaction. If the area is dominated by a heavy clay soil, before planting Seva should be made on a bed in an equal amount of peat and river sand, mix with the ground. In the presence of acidic soils in the late autumn make dolomite flour, ground chalk or ash. These substances help to reduce the acidity.
  • Before landing sevok soaked for 15-20 minutes in a weak solution of potassium permanganate. This preparation is decontaminated planting material and will prevent it from further disease.
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  • To bulbs faster rooted, you must cut off the top.
  • From the onion fly will prevent salt. Its pour in a small amount in the aisle.
  • Near the beds with onions, it is desirable to arrange rows of carrots. Last vegetables too great onion repels flies. In turn, the bow will not be got on the carrot beds parasites and harmful insects.
  • For the season by planting onions you need to make feeding three times. The first fertilizer is prepared when the bow will be 2-3 pen. In 10 l defended or rainwater diluted 1 kg of humus and 200 g of poultry manure, 200-300 ml of ash and 25-35 g of superphosphate granules. All components are thoroughly mixed and made up by the roots. After a fortnight fertilizer repeated. At this time, prepare a different composition. In 10 liters of water diluted with 5 g of potassium any drug, 10 g of urea and superphosphate 20-30 g. Before you make the soil fertilizer abundantly watered with rain water. Then make a dressing. Preparation of the composition is sufficient for 1 m plantings. Last fertilization accounts for the last ten days of June or beginning of July. For preparation of the nutrient composition in 10 liters of rainwater superphosphate diluted with 30 g and 5 g of a preparation containing potassium. The best option would be to potassium sulfate, t. To. The sulfur vegetables also need to strengthen and grow. 3 If fertilization occurs in June, you can add a little urea. In July of this material should be excluded. Excess nitrogen will lead to a sharp rise of the pen, onion thus remains small.
  • Due to potassium provides further safety heads, but to use this element chlorine compounds is not recommended to enrich the soil. Fresh manure should be excluded too. This material is good to make the soil in late autumn during the last digging. Otherwise, we should expect a sharp decline in yields. Phosphorus is undesirable neglect, t. K. He is responsible for the magnitude of the bulbs.

Secrets of crop protection

Harvest onions. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©
Harvest onions. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©

To provide themselves with onions for the winter and spring, you need time to harvest from beds and prepare it properly for storage:

  • Remove the onions from the garden is recommended before the first rains of August. The optimal time for these works - 3 July. If you come during the rainy season, the harvest is strongly podmoknet.
  • It is desirable to dry the head in the attic or in any other room, which is blown by the wind, but protected from the sun. Then dry dirt is removed from the follicles, and feather is cut. Leave only the tips 7-8 cm in length.
  • During storage, a head to periodically sort through and clean up rotten. Of them starts to spoil the entire crop.
If we stick to all the rules, then the onion will continue until April or May.

original article and many other materials can be found on our website.

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