Simple but effective for the whole grain fertilizing garden

  • Dec 24, 2019

I used to just local pigeons zakarmlivala bread croutons, which in large quantities remain in my house. Well, it turns out that bread always take with a reserve, then just do not have time to eat it. But, after another pigeon feeding, going to the store, I again take a stock - and suddenly not enough?! In general, you have realized that the pigeons in our area were well-fed.

But a couple of years ago I found the biscuits for another application - it turns out, are you can cook bread dressing, Which is beneficial to absolutely all of the plants. The secret lies in the fact that the bread yeast is added - it is an active component consisting of many useful minerals. Once in the ground, activate the yeast decomposition process, with the result that produces carbon dioxide, which is so important for the healthy development of all plants.

To prepare such a dressing, we need only bread and water. Collect uneaten bread crust both white and black bread, waiting for them to properly zacherstveyut. I poured in a bucket somewhere 1/3 crackers, and the space is filled with water residue. Then the mixture is covered with a lid and allowed to stand for about three days, but can be more. When fermented manure, I have it carefully strained through cheesecloth (otherwise the remaining grain particles then zacherstveyut directly in the beds), and free from grain thick infusion water the beds.

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Usually bush cucumber takes me half a liter of grain brew, though I always try to combine fertilizing and watering - the bread after infusion pour beds with plain water.

By the way, the bread too thick I do not throw - a valuable component can be sent to a compost pit, if any, or simply bury under the fruit trees.

I use this fertilizer in the first half of the summer - in this period, the plants must be especially high-calorie diet, so that you can use the infusion of bread more often, the better. Use this simple recipe and you - the plants immediately perk and will delight you with their strong and healthy appearance!

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