How to quickly and inexpensively remove a stump from a site that spoils the whole view

  • Dec 22, 2020
How to quickly and inexpensively remove a stump from a site that spoils the whole view
How to quickly and inexpensively remove a stump from a site that spoils the whole view

A tree stump on the site is not at all the thing that you want to leave for posterity. If only because it spoils the appearance of the lawn, and simply interferes with economic activity. For example, with a "live" stump, it becomes more difficult to mow the grass. Uprooting a tree stump is not easy in most situations. At least, if you don't know a couple of effective ways. Today we are going to talk about one such.

You will need a rag. | Photo:
You will need a rag. | Photo:

The apple tree grew and grew in the summer cottage, but now 20 years have passed, and it's time to get rid of the old tree and plant a new one in its place. It is not difficult to cut a tree. Getting rid of his stump is another matter. Rooting out the latter is not an easy procedure. As you might guess, it also costs a lot of money. In any case, if you seek help from qualified specialists. But getting rid of the stump is not about building rockets and not operating people, which means (if you wish) you can do everything yourself.

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You also need kerosene. | Photo:

In fact, everything is far from being as bad, scary and difficult as it might seem at first glance. You will need an old rag to remove the stump quickly and cheaply. We take a representative piece of fabric and cut it into strips 3-4 centimeters thick. It is most convenient to cut with sewing scissors.

We set fire to the stump. | Photo:

After that, you need to get good old kerosene. You can find it in our time in many hardware stores. For 1 liter you will have to pay about 30 rubles. It should be emphasized right away that neither diesel nor gasoline are suitable for grubbing a stump, due to the fact that they burn out too quickly.

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There will be nothing left. | Photo:

Next, we need a drill and drill with a diameter of at least 20 mm. With its help, two connecting holes should be made in the stump. One horizontal (drilled from the side) and one vertical (drilled from above). The prepared rags are soaked in kerosene and placed in a vertical hole. The horizontal will work as a blower. When everything is ready, we remove the fuel and lubricants away, wash our hands and carefully light the rags. The stump will burn by itself, after which it will not be difficult to remove its remnants with a crowbar and an ax. Unforgettable about fire safety rules and the need to control the combustion process.

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