3 types of spiders you shouldn't be afraid of

  • Dec 23, 2020
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Good afternoon, my reader. For unreasonable reasons, it is spiders that provoke negative feelings in people that cannot be explained: neglect, fear and the desire to be away from these creatures. Often, every summer resident, having found such a "neighbor" on the porch, in the cellar or in the utility room, will immediately make every effort to destroy him.

Spider. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license © ofazende.com
Spider. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license © ofazende.com
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However, there is no need to kill every spider that comes in the way of a person, even if its appearance is frightening or seems dangerous.

Funnel spiders (Agelenidae), house and labyrinth

The family includes spiders that live in subfloors and cellars of houses in all corners of the earth. The house spider (Tegenaria domestica) often has a brownish-brown color and "ornament" on the abdomen, body, slightly covered with fluff, and its size does not exceed one centimeter. The legs of the insect have a darker pigmentation than the body, and their length is almost twice the length of the spider itself. Females are often larger, "dense", and their legs are shorter than those of the male members of the family.

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House spiders weave a rather large and flat web indented in the form of a funnel at the end in the darkened areas of the dwelling. This species lurks in funnel-shaped indents in anticipation of tasty "trophies" - small insects: moths, flies and cockroaches. As soon as the insect gets stuck in the web, the brownie rushes to kill the prey. Eight-legged creatures use a self-woven web for about two to three weeks, then throw it and build a new one. In nature, the species lives in densely growing grass, tree cracks and among dried bushes.

The main activity of spiders falls in the afternoon (so as not to run into people). In a hopeless situation, they are able to snatch, but the bite almost does not bring pain and does not pose a danger.

Funnel spiders. Illustration for the article is used from the website forexdengi.com

Labyrinth spiders (Agelena labyrinthica) - house spider cousins ​​live in low-growing dry shoots in the local area. Their bodies are often lighter in color, but the appearance and behavior are identical. Like house spiders, their venom is not toxic to humans.

Jumping spiders (Salticidae)

Most likely, each person has met these small spiders with fluff on their bodies, large eyes and strong limbs. Horses effortlessly climb upward surfaces, including uncomfortable surfaces such as glass. They are often found near residential buildings on walls made of stone or bricks, where they warm themselves under the sun. And this species can also be found in densely growing grass. The colors of the representatives of this arachnid family vary - from dark and light brown to striped and spotted.

Jumping spiders actively hunt in the daytime, preferring to weaving cobwebs to get food (insects and medium-sized invertebrates), jumping at them in a jump, often over long distances.
Jumping spiders. Illustration for the article is used from the site kipmu.ru

Horses living in Russia and the CIS countries are not dangerous and are not toxic to humans.

Haymaking spiders or centipedes (Pholcidae)

Most of these tiny spiders are synanthropes, which means they can be easily spotted in human housing. They have an almost colorless bald body a couple of millimeters long, tied at the point of attachment abdomen to the cephalothorax, and the legs exceed the length of the calf by almost 20 times, therefore haymen are often called "Centipedes".

Haymaking spiders. Illustration for the article is used from stopklopu.com

By the type of food, spiders are predators: their food is small terrestrial and winged insects that fall into their chaotically woven spider webs. In them, haymakers are able to wait for hours for prey, hanging upside down and not getting tired. Nets of these arachnids can be found in dim, dry and warm corners of rooms (often empty and homeless). Spiders can also live in open areas: tree hollows, under stones, in dry thickets, etc.

Obviously, such babies are absolutely safe for people, and in a collision, first of all, they themselves strive to escape and find shelter.

Are you afraid of spiders?

Original articleand many other materials, you can find on ourwebsite.

Read about how to protect yourself from insect bites in the following article:How to protect yourself from painful insect and arachnid bites