Troika card can now be restored upon loss

  • Dec 24, 2020

Finally, it is possible to transfer balance and travel passes from a lost or broken Troika card to a new one. At the same time, there was a history of passes in the metro, a history of replenishment, a warning about a decrease in balance below the specified threshold and auto-replenishment.

It took six years to implement these simple features.

Troika card can now be restored upon loss

In the fall of 2014, officials promised to restore the Troika card with all travel and travel passes if lost by the end of the year. They did not specify only until the end of which year. It turned out until the end of 2020. :)

The new version of the official application of the Moscow metro "Moscow Metro" has a personal account.

Note that by adding functions to the application, the developers could not help but worsen it: before, you could just attach a map Troika to a smartphone with NFC to find out the balance and replenish the card, now this is possible only after authorization in the personal cabinet. You will have to register in your personal account (by phone number, through or by other means) and create a password, without entering which (or a fingerprint) it is impossible to view the balance of any Troika or replenish it.

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In your personal account, you can add your Troika (you can enter the number, or you can simply attach the card to your smartphone with NFC). But the quest will not end there - you need to indicate the last two metro stations where Troika was used or to top it up with the specified amount.

The last two stations, if you don't remember, can be viewed in the City app, but if you don't know, it's not easy to find it there: My Maps - Troika Map - History.

I did not complete this quest - for some reason, the last trip on the metro along Troika is displayed to me as "the entrance to the metro" without specifying the station.

I was offered a top-up of 18 rubles, which I immediately did through Google Pay and the card was attached. When you click on the image of the Troika card, a menu with all the possibilities appears.

To transfer the balance (and it seems like travel cards too, judging by the inscription "card or write-off"), you need to block the lost or broken Troika, wait for the message about the blocking and start the process.

The history of passes and operations begins, alas, from the moment the Troika was attached. The application does not show everything that came before. You can turn on the balance threshold (you will probably receive push notifications when the balance drops to the threshold). It is possible to enable auto-top-up from a bank card.

There is a chance to restore the lost Troika even if it was not added to the application before the loss (for this you need to know its number, two stations at which they entered the metro last, and it is also necessary that the one who found it did not have time to use it), but it is better to add The top three are in the application now, so that if something happens to it, it would be guaranteed to transfer the balance (and, hopefully, travel cards) to a new one Three.

P.S. Thanks for the information on this feature. Aida Tokranova and Denis Korotkov.

© 2020, Alexey Nadezhin

For ten years I have been writing every day about technology, discounts, places of interest and events. Read my blog on the site, in LJ, Zen, Mirtesen.
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