8 reasons why it is worth planting felt cherries on the site

  • Dec 25, 2020

Good afternoon, my reader. Felt (Chinese) cherry differs from other varieties with a fluffy bloom on the shoots, leaf plates, as well as on edible fruits and pedicels. The homeland of this culture, which differs genetically from the more popular common cherry, is Korea, China, Mongolia. Some reasons are of interest, considering which, one can understand all the advantages of the unique felt cherry.

Felt (Chinese) cherry. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license © ofazende.com
Felt (Chinese) cherry. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license © ofazende.com
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1. Decorative characteristics

Not very tall, with a lush spreading crown, felt cherry bushes adorn the landscape throughout the year. In late spring, fluffy branches are abundantly covered with pink or white buds.

Then, by July, burgundy or dark red fruits ripen, which stand out favorably against the background of green foliage. The berries practically do not crumble, so they continue to decorate the plant in autumn and even in the winter season.

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2. Tasty fruits

Well-ripe felt cherries acquire a very pleasant, slightly sour spicy taste. Juicy and tender berry pulp is appreciated for its characteristic cherry notes.

The fruits are universal. They are dried, frozen, aromatic compotes, wines, juices, tinctures are made. Berries are good for making jam, jam, preserves. Cherry leaves, when added to marinade or brine, enhance the taste of a variety of homemade canned vegetables.

3. Early ripening, high yield

On the territory of central Russia, the first ripe felt cherries can be harvested in the third decade of June. The fruits ripen gradually. They don't fall off, so you don't have to rush to clean.

Good fruiting of this culture is distinguished. An adult bush gives, under favorable conditions, up to 10 kg of quality fruits. Felt cherry seedlings begin to bear fruit in 2-3 years.

4. Drought and frost resistance

Felt cherry can be cultivated in northern regions with unstable climatic conditions. And also it perfectly adapts in the regions of the Urals and Siberia, without requiring shelter for the winter season.

The high drought resistance of this culture is also noted. It develops excellently in sunny, elevated places, where there is no prolonged stagnation of water.

5. Coccomycosis resistance

Such a dangerous fungal disease for most stone fruit crops, like coccomycosis, practically does not affect felt cherries.

If the necessary conditions are created for this culture, then harmful insects will bypass it. Such rare resistance becomes a guarantee of a stable annual yield of high-quality tasty fruits.

Felt (Chinese) cherry. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license © ofazende.com

6. Ease of reproduction

Felt cherries propagate easily in many different ways. You can use cuttings or green cuttings.

The easiest way is to grow a young plant from a seed. Young seedlings will bear fruit 3-4 years after planting in the ground. But it must be borne in mind that the seed propagation method does not guarantee the preservation of varietal traits.

7. Vaccination possibility

The unpretentious felt cherry can serve as a stock for a variety of stone fruit crops. For example, cherry plum, plum, blackthorn, and sometimes peach and apricot are planted on it.

It should be borne in mind that the felt variety does not cross with an ordinary cherry, therefore, such vaccinations are not practiced.

8. Easy harvesting

Compact, relatively low shrubs do not require the use of stepladders and other devices when carrying out harvesting activities.

The berries are easily removed from the branches. Due to their large number and rather large size, the collection is quick.

A little about the cons

For complete information about the felt cherry, it is necessary to note the disadvantages of this plant:

Felt (Chinese) cherry. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license © ofazende.com
  • Insufficient life expectancy of fruiting bushes, which is 10-15 years. Gardeners have to regularly plant young plants in order not to reduce the yield.
  • Carrying out systematic pruning, which allows not only to enhance the decorative effect of the bushes, but also to extend the period of their life. It is necessary to thin out the bushes, remove broken and dry branches with an interval of 3-4 years.
  • Bark warming observed during the thaw period. For this reason, the trunks in the lower part are exposed to wood, which causes the death of the bush. It is recommended to shake off excess snow from cherry trunks in spring.
  • Self-infertility, requiring planting several bushes of felt cherry next to each other. It should be borne in mind that other stone fruit trees are not suitable as a crop for cross-pollination.
  • Difficult transportation and short storage of delicate juicy fruits.
  • Possibility of defeat by moniliosis. This fungal disease can completely destroy the crop, so you need to regularly inspect the plantings and cut out shoots with signs of damage.
Felt cherry, planted in a well-chosen area, will delight not only with its unpretentiousness and amazing decorativeness, but also will allow you to get a consistently high yield of tasty juicy berries.

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