Rustic eggs in winter, "sometimes thick, sometimes empty." Why chickens are rushing so. I reveal my mother's trick

  • Dec 25, 2020

My parents live in the village. It took a long time to build a house, as far as possible. A lot of effort and money spent on it. Now, they are already retired. The dream has come true, they have their own "apartments".

Rustic eggs in winter, "sometimes thick, sometimes empty." Why chickens are rushing so. I reveal my mother

In order not to get bored and not "moldy" they have a vegetable garden, there are two cats, a dog. There are chickens. They used to keep piglets.

Rustic eggs in winter, "sometimes thick, sometimes empty." Why chickens are rushing so. I reveal my mother
Rustic eggs in winter, "sometimes thick, sometimes empty." Why chickens are rushing so. I reveal my mother

The other day, having stayed with the parents, we are going to go home. Naturally, as usual, they supplied us with pickles (Mama's cucumbers are just space), potatoes (yellow, crumbly). Cabbage and beets. If there is meat, then they certainly sent it (chickens, ducks). In addition, village eggs are always given. Real and tasty. Those who have tried them know how they differ from those of the combine.

But this time there were no village eggs. I was not ashamed and asked. Will there be no eggs? They are very tasty, infections). To which my mother said that they are not there for one reason - there is no fish. And how is this connected, I tell you:

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The fact is that my Father often goes fishing, both in summer and in winter, here is his penultimate catch:

I caught perches, all the big ones are just right in the heat.

But the last time, he came home upset, without a fish... Even the dog showed displeasure. The fish are getting smaller and smaller ...

It will depend on how the Father catches fish whether the chickens will start to rush even in severe frost or not. The fact is that the surplus of large fish and a large amount of small items passed through the meat grinder go to feed the chickens. From such a powerful meat and vitamin cocktail, feathered friends begin to rush fruitfully. Therefore, they almost always have fresh and healthy eggs on the table... At least they were.

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