Why do experienced motorists carry a whetstone with them in the car

  • Dec 26, 2020
Why do experienced motorists carry a whetstone with them in the car
Why do experienced motorists carry a whetstone with them in the car

A sharpening stone is not only a useful accessory, but also an extremely important tool. At the same time, the majority of modern ones may be puzzled by the recommendation that you need to have a whetstone in the trunk of your car without fail. Why is this tool useful when traveling? The answer to this question is known better than others by those who had a chance to drive a car back in the days of the Soviet Union.

A must have for everyone in their toolbox. | Photo: onlinetrade.ru.
A must have for everyone in their toolbox. | Photo: onlinetrade.ru.

Cars are becoming more complex these days. A significant part of motorists prefer to simply seek help from specialists in the event of any problems. This also happens in cases where the car had a punctured wheel. However, life puts a person in a variety of situations, and sometimes outside help may not be available. Especially for such a case, it would not be at all superfluous to have a set of basic repair skills, as well as have a suitable set of tools in your car.

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Indispensable for puncture repair. | Photo: progorod62.ru.

A sharpening stone is one of those things that must be in the box without fail. As you might guess, it is used in those situations when you need to clean up something, subject it to preliminary processing. You can also use sandpaper for this, however, unfortunately, it is short-lived. And its functionality is much more modest than that of the good old grindstone.

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Everyone should have basic skills. | Photo: brat-domkrat.ru.

We are talking, in particular, about the procedure for self-repairing a punctured wheel. It doesn't matter if we are talking about the classic version or the "tubeless". In both cases, the driver will need a whetstone to clean the puncture site. Without it, it will be extremely difficult to repair the damage, either using glue or using repair harnesses. This is more than enough reason to start this ingenuous tool in your trunk on a permanent basis.

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You never know what situation you will find yourself in. ¦ Photo: blamper.ru.

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