What is forbidden to do with cucumbers if you do not want to lose the harvest

  • Dec 27, 2020
What is forbidden to do with cucumbers if you do not want to lose the harvest
What is forbidden to do with cucumbers if you do not want to lose the harvest

Growing cucumbers is not as easy as it might seem at first glance. Numerous mistakes can easily cause crop failure. Some of them have a completely destructive effect on the final result. Hardly anyone wants to spoil their work in a few months. Therefore, you should know and remember those things that are strictly forbidden to do in the beds.

1. Unheated soil

Important preparation. | Photo: elleonora.ru.
Important preparation. | Photo: elleonora.ru.

It is strictly forbidden to plant cucumbers (both seeds and seedlings) in unheated soil. Soil temperature should be at plus 12-15 degrees Celsius. If the temperature is lower, then the root system of cucumbers will not begin to develop on time, which can even lead to the death of the culture. This advice applies not only to cucumbers, but also to all other pumpkin crops.

2. Deepening

No deepening. | Photo: 7ogorod.ru.

In no case should the seedlings of cucumbers be buried. If the seedling is stretching too much, there are many other ways to help it. In cases where summer residents deepen the crop too much, the risk of root rotting increases in the early stages of cucumber growth. The risks of developing various diseases are also growing.

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3. Plant compost

Compost cannot be used. | Photo: fermilon.ru.

Many summer residents mistakenly believe that compost is the best fertilizer solution. This is not true. Cucumbers categorically do not accept plant compost. Very often, its use leads to the fact that pumpkin crops begin to get sick with various fungal ailments. It is best to feed the cucumbers with sawdust, humus, turf and peat.

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4. Loosening

Loosening the soil is not worth it. | Photo: youtube.com.

In no case should you loosen cucumbers. They, like most other cucurbits, have a very fragile and slowly developing root system. Loosening can easily cause irreparable damage to it, which in turn will lead to the death of seedlings. Much better to mulch a bed of cucumbers. It is also recommended to make small ditches between individual plants.

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5. Water temperature

We need very warm water. ¦Photo: klumba.guru.

Finally, do not forget about the water temperature that is used to water the plants. The point is that cucumbers need really warm water. Cold from wells or wells will simply kill the culture. Moreover, even the water that has stood in the barrel all day will most likely not be warm enough. Before watering pumpkin crops, you should make sure that the water temperature is at least 23 degrees Celsius.

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