Fashion sentence: Outside details that give bad taste and untidiness

  • Dec 24, 2019

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 If this is all over, it does not mean that it is permissible.
If this is all over, it does not mean that it is permissible.

Be fashionable - it does not mean to carry those things that are declared trendy this season. This fashion and style - is the lack of in the appearance of those things that characterize the person as not very neat, and sometimes indifferent to him. Sometimes bad taste is hidden in such guises, which is considered to be acceptable. But from this it does not become acceptable. Let's talk about the details of the appearance, which is categorically unacceptable in terms of fashion and good taste.

1. Pellets on clothes

Pellets on clothes are not the norm.
Pellets on clothes are not the norm.

Not burdened by questions neat appearance people can talk about the following: "I am not guilty of (a) the fact that they appear, so their presence is permissible, it is simply a property of tissue". Hmm... But the stains on the clothes we put too not on purpose, that's just the absolute most of us are concerned about how to wash them. Equally, it should also apply to pellets. Because they are - a sign of sluts! And point. It is amazing to see the sweaters from the spool to the heads of departments of universities, professors and PhDs. And this is doubly surprising, because a long time ago in the market there is an inexpensive thing as a trimmer for clothes.

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Trimmer for clothes.
Trimmer for clothes.

The question price - 5-15 dollars depending on the brand and quality. In the photo above - the trimmer from the Belarusian manufacturer cost about $ 10. For the fifth year at the regular operation it serves Novate author. Ru faithfully. He is charged from an ordinary wall outlet, and quite quickly. A single charge will last for approximately 10 minutes of active work. Modern trim tabs do not break the thread and can remove pellets from the clothes from any angle. for example, a glove worn on the hand or nizochkov trousers without additional difficulties for placement of textile on a flat surface.

Since most knitted fabrics quite a few times to remove a layer of pellets, after which they will not re-formed.

2. Regrown toenails

It may not be nice and acceptable.
It may not be nice and acceptable.

Militant feminists fourth wave, believing that the bushes armpit - it is natural, please move away from the monitor. Because regrown toenails in the absence of a pedicure - this is unacceptable (As well as jungle under the arms and on the legs). And we are by no means the case will not start today to assert that in the period of wearing sandals need to make an expensive pedicure and monitor his condition with the help of a magnifying glass, day and night. We just want to say that toenails should be cut off at the root and slightly rasped. If this condition is enough only twice a day to lubricate the feet nourishing cream - and the well-groomed feet already provided. And for a perfect pedicure democratic need to add a clear varnish on the nails. His condition monitor is not necessary, it is sufficient to update every couple of weeks. Men, do not scroll up this item article! You is also a concern!

3. Wool pets on clothes

Have a pet - the norm, to be a slut - no. / Photo:
Have a pet - the norm, to be a slut - no. / Photo:

The situation is similar to that described in paragraph 1 relative pellets. You can hear such "superintelligent" arguments: "But I have the same cat / dog in the house, what to me to throw her out ?!" Are you seriously? Interestingly, and that the mysterious sticky rolls are sold in virtually every supermarket or discounter of household chemicals and cosmetics? For what they are? Leave sarcasm: sticky rollers are designed to remove lint from clothing of any type. First and foremost, of course, they are relevant to pet owners.

Even the Sphynx have treacherous brush on the tail, which will be marked on your knitted clothes.
Even the Sphynx have treacherous brush on the tail, which will be marked on your knitted clothes.

Virtually no fade-only cats Sphynx (yes, should almostand, because they have on their feet and have a little ponytail hair!). Any animal reserves all over his coat. And her presence on the clothes - is unacceptable. Have pets - very good, to be a slut - very bad. Completely covered with fur apparel - attribute Cat Lady-grandmother located'm not in complete mental health. But not anyone else.

4. Regrown roots dyed hair

This non-sexual! / Photo:
This non-sexual! / Photo:

Hard to believe, but the first mention dates back to the hair dye in the annals of the world... 2177 BC! Mask the gray hair as a sign of old age - something like an unconditioned reflex, especially for women. Since the 1960s, it has become a fashion to discolor hair. That's when the problem and particularly acute. The question of the regrown roots are concerned women, as we see, for about 60 years. And the solution for those who prefer the artificial blond, still not found. The roots need to touch up almost every week, not to look like the picture just above. That is why the tint paints that do not contain hydrogen peroxide, much better help to solve the problem regrown roots: their colors are natural, slightly regrown roots are not striking.

5. Stains on the foundation garment collar

Keep the gate light things! / Photo:
Keep the gate light things! / Photo:

You know, some women consider it acceptable to leave tonalnik primereniya and blouse purchased in the store... But we will speak about them in a future article "Garbage on the pavement and another 100 signs of low culture of education of people". And now let's talk about your own creams on the collar of your own clothes also. In order to be on the collar does not remain, you can apply some simple and not burdensome ways. Among them: a neat putting the control gate with the fingers, applying foundation after putting on the garment no buttons and a narrow elastic collar, the transition to the corrosive foundation last generation ultra-light in texture concealers. Dirty collar clothes - still a sign of slovenliness. And it's not just foundation, but also the banal blackening of long socks.

6. Sunglasses in a hoop

Wacky greetings from the eighties. / Photo:
Wacky greetings from the eighties. / Photo:

This doubtful greetings from the eighties of the twentieth century is now considered to be quite a significant sign of bad taste. Sunglasses it's better to wear on the bridge, following their destination. If you prevent the strands of hair, there are several solutions: a stylish barrette, stylish hoop for hair cutting bangs, change hairstyles. In addition, wearing glasses as a hoop, you run the risk of ruin. The fact that the human hair is constantly emits a small (and someone - abundant) of natural sebum. If glasses are constantly in contact with it, it will corrode partially topsheet (especially inexpensive plastic glasses). The glasses will be unclear, from wearing such glasses can head ache. And they will have to throw away. As the English say in such cases: no win situation.

7. Excessively long pants in business style

I took the pants for growth?! / Photo:
I took the pants for growth?! / Photo:

In Soviet times, too, derided this strange trend: trousers that were too long for their master, affectionately termed "extinguished cigarette butts." But 60 years ago, and now, the cause of the vision of us on the other gentlemen "trouser leg-okurochkov" not I changed: the man picked up his store pants that fit him for the circumference of the hips, but do not come on growth. However, people decided to save money on a visit to the master on repair of clothes and a cheap repair for shortening trousers. Reasons sound like this: "These capitalists in their studio just tear at exorbitant prices for podrubochku pants!" (Recorded verbatim from the master of tailoring and repair of clothes from Gomel). That's just in practice, this service stands as two packs of cigarettes smoked endlessly aforementioned segment of society.

8. Bursting at the seams clothes are not on the size of

This is unacceptable and it looks ridiculous!
This is unacceptable and it looks ridiculous!

Do you know why some people wear clothes that they small? No, not from poverty (inability to buy new clothes after being recovered, and the old become small). The reason - the only psychological. People believe that if they are wearing size 46 clothes (which is bursting at the seams until bouncing buttons), and the parameters of their respective size 46. Thus their real parameters can be 48 or even 50 resolution. This is the magic of self-deception: "I can show another tag with the same size on my blouse and jeans, and thereby prove that this is my size."Some women come to Atelier clothing repair and ask them Sause suitable clothing on the figure! Unbelievable, but it is a fact. Some people of both sexes believe that if the garment fits the body of a terrifying way, they look slimmer. Let's face it: this is ridiculous. Clothing should be just right, in addition, now in my - oversayz, and it helps to hide almost any figure flaws.

The trend oversayz style - wearing clothes several sizes larger. / Photo
The trend oversayz style - wearing clothes several sizes larger. / Photo

style theme and good taste will continue to material are interested in 25,000 readers: 7 things that should not be put on the ladies over forty, so as not to smirk others.

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