Fighting cracks in the bark of trees

  • Jan 02, 2021

Quite often, cracks and wounds in trees appear in the spring. To help him, first of all, you need to understand the reason why they were formed.

Cracks in the bark. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
Cracks in the bark. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
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Danger of cracks in trees

Even the smallest crack on the bark of a tree is a wound through which infections that cause diseases of a bacterial and fungal nature can penetrate. Damage to the integrity of the bark leads to disruption of sap flow, the trunk of the tree is deformed, and its immunity becomes weak.

The main reasons for the formation of cracks in the bark

Let's consider the main reasons for the formation of cracks in the bark of trees.

Waterlogged soil

One of the main reasons for the formation of cracks in trees and twigs is too waterlogged soil in winter. Due to the cold temperatures, the water absorbed by the roots freezes inside the trunk and breaks through the bark.

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Large amount of nitrogen fertilizers

Nitrogen fertilizers stimulate the growth of greenery. But such feeding can only be made until mid-July, but if you do it later, you can destroy the plant. Due to too rapid growth, young twigs do not have time to fully form and die when cold weather sets in.

Wrong preparation of the tree for winter

If in the autumn you did not pay enough attention to the trees, did not whitewash them or did not wrap them with light cloth, this can lead to sunburn of the bark. Most often this happens at the end of winter, when the sun is hot during the day, and at night the temperature is still below freezing. This temperature difference leads to the formation of wounds.

Incorrect tree formation

The bark can crack from heavy or uneven loading. Without proper formation, the tops of the branches begin to grow at an acute angle, and the fruits and wet snow make them heavier, causing them to break exactly where they join the trunk.

Deeper fit

It is recommended to plant trees on heights if underground waters pass near your land plot. If this rule is not followed, the roots of the tree will descend into the water and become sick. As a result, the plant will die immediately, or it will get sick and stop bearing fruit.

Lack of protection against rodents and insect pests

Various wounds on the bark can appear due to bark beetles and rodents. First, they injure the tree, and then the cracks spread on their own. In winter, mice and hares can gnaw the bark, and in summer, harmful insects.

Preventing cracking

Whitewashing trees. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

In order to prevent the appearance of cracks on the bark, you must adhere to the following rules:

  1. It is necessary to plant trees in dry and light soil, where water does not stagnate.
  2. Apply nitrogen fertilizers only in the first half of summer.
  3. Timely whitewash tree trunks or wrap them with light-colored cloth for protection.
  4. Prune trees in time, shape the top and set up supports if the branches are overloaded with fruits.
  5. Carry out preventive measures to protect against insects.
If, nevertheless, cracks appear, then you need to clean their edges and treat the wounds with a 2% solution of copper sulfate or Bordeaux liquid. Apply paste, biobalm, garden varnish or clay on top. A small crack can be treated with a "bridge" graft. If such measures did not help, then you need to get rid of the plant so as not to infect the entire garden.

Do you know how to deal with cracks in the bark of trees?

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