To the area grew lush greenery, it is necessary to adhere to expert advice that will help her to land correctly and protect against pests.
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Tips and tricks
Greens can be grown in beds from early spring until autumn. To do this, you can sow several times on the same area every 10-15 days, or alternate crops of 2-3 species at the same site. Before you start planting, it is necessary to know how to plant herbs.
On the ground, which is designed for green plants, snow has to go before the sun's rays should be well warmed her all day. Most are hardy spinach, parsley, mustard greens, arugula and lettuce, so they were seeded first.
It is necessary to monitor the condition of the soil. Feeding contribute immediately before sowing, seeds. Apply manure, as recommended greens quickly accumulate nitrates. We need to apply nitrogen fertilizer with caution. Oversupply of lead salts to that of mustard or Chinese cabbage leaves covered with burns. The best option would be a mixture of ammonium nitrate, ash and humus.
To reduce the acidity of the earth, it is added lime (300-450 g per 1 m²). Especially greens will grow well in areas where until it cultivated potato, pumpkin, cucumbers.
Protect the plants against pests and diseases is possible only by using potassium permanganate solution. Because the green vegetative period is very short, the application of chemical treatment is unacceptable. Help repel insects ash: it should be dusted shoots. 1 more way to scare off pests - plant near celery or carrots. These cultures contain essential oils that attract bees or ladybugs, destroying dangerous insects plants.
Lettuce seeds are put into the soil at the small depth (1-1.5 cm), otherwise they will dry out. Before sowing, the ground should be thoroughly moistened. The interval between future bushes must be at least 2 cm. Conduct thinning need 2-3 weeks, when the plant will be 5-6 leaves. Remote herbs can be used for vitamin salads. Harvesting can be first sample, and then - a solid.
Seeds germinate quickly leaf mustard. However, after sowing, at a depth of 1 cm have to hide with a protective film. Because of this the seedlings will be protected from such pests as crucifer flea. Remove the extra bushes should be in 10-15 days. If the soil is dry, moisten and loosen it. Collect mustard should be when it reaches a height of 15 cm. Adhering to the same principles, they grow Chinese cabbage.
Before you sow spinach, it is necessary to soak the seeds by 2-2.5 days. The rows should be located at 20 cm, the depth of the pits is 2-2.5 cm. The first shoots will be seen after 6-8 days. This plant unpretentious in care: a timely need to loosen the beds and moisten the earth. If the spinach is not enough water, the leaves become smaller, it will begin to bloom.
Dill seeds are first kept in warm water, which is changed 3-4 times during the day. Thereafter, they are placed on a wet piece of cloth and left at room temperature until until shoots appear. Dill planted portion to completely peeled from weeds, since it sprouts are weak. A good harvest can be obtained only if the time to thin out the flower bed. Petrushka, too, should be soaked. Sow it should be mixed with sand. Parsley - a biennial plant, six months greens with 1 bush, which reached a height of 16-18 cm, it is possible to collect several times.
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