Why in the USSR mirrors, paintings and photographs were hung at an angle and right up to the ceiling

  • Jan 18, 2021
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Why in the USSR mirrors, paintings and photographs were hung at an angle and right up to the ceiling
Why in the USSR mirrors, paintings and photographs were hung at an angle and right up to the ceiling

Almost every one of us saw pictures, mirrors that hang in a somewhat interesting way (at an angle), but most likely they did not pay attention to it. This practice was especially common in rural areas. In many villages it has survived to this day. For the most part, older people arrange these objects this way.

They began to hang pictures at an angle back in Tsarist Russia / Photo: golbis.com
They began to hang pictures at an angle back in Tsarist Russia / Photo: golbis.com

This tradition is quite old, and it arose long before the appearance of the USSR. Tsarist Russia is its "motherland". Although not only in Russia, paintings were attached to the wall in this way. As for the mirrors, when they began to be hung at an angle, there is no exact information.

If you think logically, then the production of mirrors was established relatively recently. For that time, the technology of their production was very complex. Naturally, this was reflected in pricing as well. The finished products were quite expensive.

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1. The thing is expensive - the main thing is not to break

Like paintings, mirrors were hung at an angle / Photo: foboxs.com

Let's go back to Tsarist Russia. Then a large wall mirror was not a cheap pleasure. An ordinary worker had to give several of his salaries for him. Accordingly, not everyone could afford such an acquisition. Mostly people used shards.

Those who managed to acquire an expensive item treated it carefully and carefully. In order not to accidentally break it, they tried to hang it as high as possible. If you hang it in a standard way, it will be impossible to look into it.

In the mirror you can see yourself from all sides at an angle, just like in the paintings - you can see any detail / Photo: aeslib.ru

The only way out of the situation is to hang it at an angle. In this case, you can calmly consider your reflection. Later, mirrors in the Union began to be made at many factories. Their production was put on stream. Absolutely all citizens could buy one, or even several mirrors. But habit and tradition are serious things. Getting rid of it is not so easy. By inertia, the arrangement of the mirrors remained the same.

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2. Photos and paintings are also at an angle

Photos and paintings were hung at an angle to reduce glare / Photo: humus.livejournal.com

In addition to mirrors, framed photographs and paintings were hung in a similar way. Many art critics today believe that large paintings should be hung exclusively at an angle. In this case, there will be a much smaller amount of glare on the canvas, and it is easier for the viewer to see the details of the work.

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Mirrors on the ceiling

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A source: https://novate.ru/blogs/230620/55021/