How to banish ants from peonies

  • Mar 03, 2021
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Good afternoon, my reader. Almost all flower growers who grow peonies are aware of the problem of the invasion of these plants by hordes of ants. And if you do not start a timely fight against these insects, then, having quickly occupied the peonies, they may well ruin all their natural beauty.

Peonies. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
Peonies. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
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Therefore, let's talk today about how to get rid of such pests in order to keep these beautiful flowers in your garden.

Why do ants love peonies so much?

The natural craving of ants for peonies is due to several factors at once:

  • Peony is a great place to build an ant nest. This is due to the fact that the flower has a very spreading stem, which perfectly protects ant houses from all kinds of weather disasters.
  • The flower bud contains a delicious and nutritious nectar that ants like very much.
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  • A great friend of ants, aphids, is often found on peonies. She absorbs the juice of this plant, and the ants then take it for themselves.

Why ants are dangerous for a peony

Even a small colony of ants can cause significant harm to all such flowers in your garden. After all, insects, taking juicy nectar from the bud, in the end simply dehydrate the peonies. In addition, when such small pests settle in the roots of flowers, they undermine and damage them, which also leads (in the future) to the death of these plants.

You also need to know that ants reproduce very quickly. Therefore, if you find them on peonies, then start fighting them immediately.

Peonies. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

Folk ways to fight ants on peonies

Experienced growers usually recommend that these pests be destroyed with chemicals. This, of course, is permissible, however, the use of folk remedies (in this case) also gives very good results. We will only make a reservation that it is necessary to act here methodically and in stages:

  1. The main point of successful fight against ants is the destruction of their main nest. Normal, but hot, ash does a good job with this.
  2. We start the process by loosening the soil near the flower and looking for an ant house. After it is found, you need to stir up the entire nest and cover it with cooked coals. However, proceed with extreme caution here and do not burn the roots of the flower. Well, then spread the remaining coals and around the entire tree trunk circle.
  3. After the destruction of the ant house, the entire flower must be sprayed with a decoction of bay leaves.
  4. For more effect, rub the base of the flower stem with chopped (or pressed) garlic. This operation can be carried out as follows. Squeeze out a few cloves of garlic through a kitchen press, put the resulting mass in cheesecloth and wipe the trunk of the plant with it.
Let's hope that the method of fighting ants voiced here will allow you to drive them away from your wonderful peonies for a long time!

Do you know how to get rid of ants from peonies?

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