How to stretch new shoes, which was not to the size of the

  • Dec 24, 2019
 How to stretch new shoes, which did not come in size.
How to stretch new shoes, which did not come in size.

When you gain for yourself shoes, it is very important to guess the size. It is better to once again try on shoes than to flee their change in a shop or even worse - tortured them. In the worst case, a newly purchased shoes, which was not to the size, will have to send in "bins Motherland" to the most distant shelf. Fortunately, there are ways to solve this problem.

1. Stretch the rubber shoes

Hot water will help. / Photo:
Hot water will help. / Photo:

need: A few liters of boiling water, a container with ice water, terry socks, a pair of legs

Fill it with hot water in rubber boots and wait 3-5 minutes. After that, pour boiling water and blot with a towel shoes. Put on the foot socks, and they pull the boots. A few minutes walk around the house and how to potopchites. Then take off your shoes and leave it for 1-1.5 hours in the icy water.

Important: If the shoes are made of solid rubber classic, then stretch it will not work by any means.

2. Stretch leather and suede shoes

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Ice packs work flawlessly. / Photo:
Ice packs work flawlessly. / Photo:

need: Boiling water, ice, alcohol or vodkaReklama

Suede and leather - this is one of the most malleable materials. First of all you can try to stretch the shoes just showering them with boiling water. It is recommended to put them a bath or even sink. The same, in reverse, can be done with ice. Put ice in bags and packages put their shoes.

Finally, you can try to treat the interior of the shoe with alcohol or vodka. After treatment, you need to pull the shoes on your feet and walk it in about an hour.

Important: Ice can be applied only with the most reliable shoes, not every pair of shoes will stand the test of a cold.

3. Stretch patent leather shoes

Alcohol - the best way. / Photo:
Alcohol - the best way. / Photo:

need: Alcohol, water, petroleum jelly

Important: Lacquered shoes are very delicate. Extreme care must be observed during operation.

Also not recommended to attempt to stretch the shoes, which are made with tough skin.
With lacquered shoes to work the hardest. First, it is possible to try to make - a mix of water and alcohol in a ratio of 2 to 1. The resulting solution lubricates socks. Then you need to pull the shoes on his feet and walk for half an hour in it.

You can also try to treat the inner surface of the shoe with Vaseline and insert pads for an hour (or put shoes on his feet with thick socks).

READ ALSO: How to wash shoes in the machine, so it does not razlezlas at the seams, and the sole does not come off

4. Stretch faux leather

The easiest way - to cram newspapers. / Photo:
The easiest way - to cram newspapers. / Photo:

need: Petrolatum, newspapers

The most simple and "harmless", what can be done - it's just to fill papers shoes and leave it to dry at room temperature. Zealous packed when it is not necessary. If this method does not work, it is recommended to start using Vaseline. It lubricates the entire inner surface and wait 2-3 hours.

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