The secret to an excellent gooseberry harvest is good regular feeding.

  • Mar 03, 2021

Good afternoon, my reader. Gooseberry is one of the most favorite berries of gardeners and gardeners. It is not demanding to care for and can grow in one place for about 20 years.

 Gooseberry. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
Gooseberry. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
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If you provide him with optimal conditions, then he will bear fruit abundantly. In the spring, you should make sure that the gooseberries receive all the necessary nutrients. Although this berry culture is considered unpretentious, it also needs regular feeding.

When to conduct?

The first feeding should be done almost as soon as the snow melts.

The earth is still wet and will absorb useful trace elements well. The plant especially needs nutrients during this period to ensure the growth of buds, leaves and flowers.

First, clean well the soil under the bush from last year's foliage, free it from unnecessary vegetation, slightly loosen the ground. Let him breathe.

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The following dressings should be carried out with the beginning of flowering. Gooseberries especially need additional strength during this period. The better and more regularly fertilizers are applied, the better the berry harvest will be. They will pick up juice, become strong and large.

In late August and early September, carry out the following top dressing. The bush spent a lot of energy on fruiting and now needs nutrition. Good feeding will restore strength, this is useful for gooseberries during the wintering period.

Gooseberry care. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

The last feeding should be done in late autumn. We are laying the groundwork for the winter and the next flowering year.

How to fertilize?

Top dressing begins with the first warm rays of the sun. In the spring, when the snow has not yet melted.

Start with nitrogen fertilizers: urea, saltpeter, ammonium chloride, etc. Under each bush, you need to scatter 2 tbsp. l. top dressing. For the young, 1 tbsp will be enough. l. Spread the fertilizer around the base of the bush.

Gooseberry. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

The second time the bushes are fertilized before flowering. This time you need to fertilize with potassium and phosphorus. Follow the instructions. Before fertilizing, the soil around the bush must be loosened. Then water vigorously to prevent root burns.

Mineral fertilizers can be replaced with organic fertilizers - manure or dry chicken droppings. It can be used both dry - scattered around the bush so that it penetrates inside with water, and in liquid form - diluted in water and watered. For 10 liters of water, you will need 2 kg of cow or 1 kg of bird manure. Let it brew for a day. Before feeding, the gooseberries need to be watered intensively.

The gooseberry is well fed from wood ash. It can also be added dry or diluted in water. Ash can be applied regularly throughout the season - this is a good top dressing, and the prevention of various diseases in plants.

Have you already planted gooseberries in your area?

Original articleand many other materials, you can find on ourwebsite.

Read about powdery mildew on gooseberries in the following article:Powdery mildew on gooseberries and how to deal with it